"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." --Albert Einstein

Friday, March 5, 2010

hippity ...

hoppity ...

hippity ...

floppity ... i mean hoppity ...

Easter's on it's way ...

and these girls are on their way to my etsy shop ... have a wonderful weekend!


Unknown said...

Oh my GOSH!!!!! These are so CUTE Lori!!!!!!! I love there little bottoms, lol!! You are so talented!! I want the one on the right :):)
Thank you Lori!!
Love ya,

Cape Cod Rambling Rose said...

Ohh Ohh! I want one... are they gone already? I just checked your shop...

Cindy (JunqueArt) said...

Ok those are simply the cutest little bunnies EVER! Their little tails and skirts are just toooooo cute!!! So adorable. Happy Weekend too!

Alisa Noble said...

Those two little tails are too stinkin' cute!

Andrea said...


Jamie said...

Bunny Bottoms!!!! SO cute Lori. I love the baskets you created for them too. I am always so in awe of your talent sweetie. Hope your weekend is good and quiet:) Love, Jamie

Jeanne said...

Oh how I love our felt creations!
These are super sweet:)

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

Lori, these are just adorable! And just wanted to say...whenever I visit your blog, I always just love seeing the Einstein quote- it's so wonderful...

Unknown said...

Ha Ha so cute Lori...Have a great weekend.


sandra said...

Oh Lori, these girls are just THE cutest ever! The view of their little cotton tails with the skirt is so precious!

Sugar Bear said...

So so darling Lori! They are so precious.

Nice and Easy Antiques said...

I don't think they will last long, they are toooo cute!!!!

Susan McShannon-Monteith said...

These are just sooooo cute, they'll hop right into your heart.
Have a great weekend Lori and think Spring...
Susan x

RosesRadishesandRubbish said...

Too cute!! I think spring is finally in the air. These little girls really get me in the mood.:)

LuLu Kellogg said...

Lori, these are darling. I LOVE their little hienies!


Anonymous said...

These are sooooooo adorable, Lori! I'm in love with them!!! :)

Winchester Manor said...

Oh goodness Lori...the cutest thing I've ever did see! Their little tutu backsides are adorable too!!


Debra@CommonGround said...

Absolutely the cutest little things I've ever seen. Love the tutus and puff tails! These won't last long!

Valarie said...

Lori,,,,these are so cute, and I am so upset that I didn't wake up in time to buy one. See what happens when you celebrate your husbands birthday with a martini?? Let me know if you take custom orders.
xxoo Valarie

Charo said...

So cute bunnies!!! Love them.


Simply Shelley said...

These are adorable...now,I am hopping over to your shop to take a peek...blessings on your weekend Lori....

Karin said...

Awwwwwww....so adorable!!!

Rose Garden Romantic said...

They are too sweet, Lori!!

Debby said...

Oh my gosh, how sweet are these little beauties. I love them, so darned sweet.

The Feathered Nest said...

PRECIOUS!!!!! Those little sweeties are just precious Lori, and I love that you photographed them bottoms up!!! Have a great weekend Lori ~ hugs and love, Dawn

Auntie Cake said...

So sweet, I just got a ton of new roving and was making sweet little mice. They would eat up all your candies! I love the adorable little bunny tails!


Julie Ann said...

Oh those are soo sweet!! :)

Lou said...

Ohhh soooo positively CUTE!!! Just gorgeous!! TFS
Lou xxx

BellaRosa said...

Adorable....but already gone :( I missed out again :) My 13 yr old wants one and now wants me to send her to you... to take classes in making these little cuties....maybe next time I will get to your shop in time :) Besos, Rose

Fete et Fleur said...

Love these sweet little ladies!!


LiLi M. said...

Ooh you've outdone yourself again, too stinkin' cute these funny bunnies, I love their 'behinds'! No wonder they sold in minutes!

Jodie (everything vintage) said...

Ahhh these are toooo cute!
Did you felt these Lori??? I love them...Cute for Easter but waaaay to cute to put them up afterwards...they would have to stay out year around :)
Have I told you lately of how talented you are????

Betty said...

Oh!! I am lucky enough to have one of your sweet bunnies. I think I need to make her a little basket like that too!

Vicki said...

Hello, Lori,
I am in love with these little bunnies, so, so, cute! I see I am too late to your Etsy shop. I e-mailed you in case you make more. I hope you have a fun filled weekend! Vicki

Robin said...

the bottoms up picture is just so cute! Lori they are just so adorable! I love all the tiny "littles" that you make!

Jan Hennings said...

oh, these bunnies are just darling!!

June said...

Lori their little tutu-ed covered hineys just hippitied right into my heart. How adorable are these?... in their pretty pink baskets.

Terri said...

Oh! They are so very sweet!
What a fab little Easter surprise they will be.

paperbird said...

Oh Lorie you are amazing your work is beautiful. Your bunnies are so sweet, I adore them.
I recently bought some wool and a felting needle, I want to make some some sweet felted animals. Is there a book you would refer me to so I can learn how to do this craft.

Zita - Mlle Magpie said...

Well, Lori, those absolutely adorable little bunnies just hopped into your shop and hopped right out so fast...! I guess you're going to have to make some more :)

Elyse said...

i mean, it doesn't get any sweeter than this! adorable, sweet, cute, scrumptious!


Brenda Pruitt said...

Simply adorable bunnies!

Unknown said...

They are sooo cute! Sure got me in the Easter crafting mood. Have a great weekend Lori!

Sandy xox

Tina said...

They are sooo cute Lori - I´m sure they will 'jump' out of your shop as fast as can be.
Have a wonderful weekend.

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

They are so cute!

Andrea said...

Just darling Lori! Your so talented!!!

Jeanne Oliver said...

Oh my goodness these are precious!! I am off to your shop to check them out!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Lori dear,

YOUR BUNNIES ARE DARLING! Oh I wish I could just shop 'til I drop! Thank you for coming my way to wish me a happy 28th anniversary! You are kind!


{oc cottage} said...

Adorable!!! And I have to say...that picture of those little bunny bahookies, has to go down in blogging history!

m ^..^

Anonymous said...

the butt shot is the best! They are adorable.

Heather ~Pretty Petals said...

oh my GOSH!!! Those little bunnies are the cutest things I ever did see... look at their little tushies!!!!


karlascottage.typepad.com said...

Those are as sweet as can be! And didn't they hop right out of the shop pretty fast!?

~Becca~Bluebird Rose said...

They are very cute! Love their little tails!

Diane Mars said...

Oh yes what darling little bunny creations, I sure think they are sweet, keep up the great creations, I just love those sweets. Hugs, Diane

Faded Plains said...

Those girls are a.d.o.r.a.b.l.e.!

Unknown said...

These are precious! Have a sweet day!

Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

Those are just the cutest little baskets ever. The bunnies are precious. They won't last long in your shop.


Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

Little cuties...

marie said...

This are so sweet!

Marianne said...

Oh my gosh they are so sweet! Hopping about like that really communicates spring!

Mitzi Curi said...

What adorable little bunnies! I love their little tutus. I hope they all find good homes!

Beki said...

Those bunnies really are the cutest!

Beki xxx

Lisa said...

OMG Lori, my daughter Lily is sitting here with me while I'm blogging & she going INSANE! Mommy, Mommy I want a bunny basket! Guess the Easter Bunny will be hopping over to your etsy shop now, hopes there is still some left. They are precious! Lisa

Lisa said...

Back & bummed. If you make more, please let me know. Lisa

Unknown said...

You are the queen of bunnies! I just love them.


Maryjane-The Beehive Cottage said...

Oh Lori, they are adorable! Your talents are endless dear! xox

Marie Arden said...

I love them. What special treat for some lucky child to find in Easter basket!

Elyse said...

just had to pop over again to see your fuzzy little pals.



Jennifer Hayslip said...

*P*R*E*C*I*O*U*S!!!!! I am almost 100% they are gone now! Make more!!! Super sweet!!! :) XOXO,Jenn

vivian said...

Hey Lori! how sweet your little bunbuns are! have fun with them! Everyone is going to want those!

Mrs. Cherry Heart said...

Bunnies in tutus..... does it get any cuter then this?
Oh Lori these are so darn sweet!
I love it! They made me smile!

Hugz, Dolly

come visit

Unknown said...

These belong in some elegant shop in Manhattan. I can see them now in the shop windows. Honestly, you design the most amazing creations.

Cathy ~ Tadpoles and Teacups said...


These are the cutest little bunnies ever!

Unknown said...

Awww they are so precious Lori!


Cindy said...

Awwwwwwwwwwwww! Cute! bunny butts! :)

yapping cat

Deb said...

Those are the sweetest things ever. I just happened by your blog and am now a follower. Lovely things. Deb

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welcome to my little world where i am loving my family, cutting up paper, and making whimsies from clay and mache...