"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." --Albert Einstein

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

created at 6 am ...

so ... i woke up this morning with an idea for using one of the foofidoos that
Sandra used to decorate the packages she sent to me ... after i got the boys
out of bed ... i went to the table where i create ... and started putting together
that foofidoo with other bits from Sandra's packaging ... and made this:

the doll dress is from the craft store ... one of those muslin things with batten~
berg cutouts and crochet on the bottom ... i'm sure you have seen them there ...
i cut off the bottom ... i thought the dress was too long ... then i shortened the
sleeves ... leaving the edges raw for a tattered look ... i used the foofidoo to trim
the collar ... the cheesecloth is from Sandra's packaging also, i tea dyed it ... the
text is from one of my old, crumbling books ...

the picture is one from my collection ... i chose it because this little one's eyes
are kind of crazy looking ... i like that as a juxtaposition to the text referring to
a holy calm ... the string is also from Sandra's packaging ... it was previously
strung with square shaped mother of pearl buttons ... if you remember ...

something lovely that came in my mail this week ... my OWOH giveaway win
from Tina at Tiny Bear ... beautifully weathered clothes~pins wrapped in lace,
perfectly embellished ... the one in back lacking weathering was whipped up by
me, as i have a love of things displayed in threes ...

and a darling trio comprised of two vintage spools wrapped in lace ... and a
stack of stamps all tied up with a sweet velvet flower on top ... so cute ... i
have these on a stack of vintage white hankies ... the one on top is from Tina
and was used as a wrapping for my gifts ... thank~you Tina ... i love it all! ...

i have been having a lot of computer issues ... my internet signal keeps cutting
out ... so if i haven't been over to visit, that is why ... and i am sorry ... i will try
to catch up soon ... and stop over to see the new girls who have visited me ...

until then ...


Sandi~A Cottage Muse said...

What sweet photos! Thank you for sharing!

The Vintage Vagablonde said...

love it....the baby's eyes are haunting.I tea stained a sweet little baby bonnet last night and it is one of those things..meant to sell but want to keep~lol

Terri Gordon said...

What a beautiful dress, it looks so vintage, I love that look. I love to visit your beautiful blog, you always have such beautiful eye candy. Thanks for sharing, love your work. Have a wonderful day.

Country Wings in Phoenix said...

Good Morning Lori Sweetie...
Oh my goodness this is just precious. I love it. The little dress accented with the pretties from a box of love. How precious is that. I love the ruffled pretty around the neck and the bow just set if off. Love the little picture that you also added. So beautiful. Just perfect to the letter "T".

THank you for sharing this fine morning with me. Country hugs sweetie...Sherry

Unknown said...

*sigh*... Lori, you have such an eye for beauty! That dress is just beautiful and look so old! I love everything you did to it! And the lace displayed like that, just beautiful!!! I wish I could come to your house and just look, lol!
Big Hugs,

Heather - Speckled Egg said...


Diane Mars said...

Again a beautiful post, I too am having some computer program difficulties at the present, hope to get worked out very soon! I sure do LOVE your creation. Hugs & Kisses, Diane

Nice and Easy Antiques said...

You're killing us...sweet goodness death!!!

Jennifer said...

This is so so great - I just love it! What craft store did you ever find this at? It's so sweet, nostalgic - yet simple - perfect! Jennifer

Tami said...

Awww, what an adorable little dress!!

Susan McShannon-Monteith said...

Absolutely lovely...You're an odd number gal too eh?
If you'd like an old dress all you have to do is ask.
Susan x

roseroomnz.com said...

loving, loving, loving that dress Lori!!! Rachaelxo p.s and so early in the morning!!!!

Tina said...

You´re most welcome Lori - I´m so glad you liked it ;D
Love your little dress -it´s so cute
xo Tina

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

Your little dress is SO charming- just lovely!

sandra said...

Wow Lori, 6 a.m.?!?! Your creative juices sure do flow early! That little dress is precious....love the way you used your foofidoo ;) and bow. And I can't believe you even saved the string! lol I bought some burlap for a project, and after the washing there were strings everywhere(Oh, what a mess)...& I thought, hmmm, those are kinda interesting. Guess you thought so too! hehe
Love your spools of lace, especially the one with the little religious medal! As usual, everything your hand touches turns out beautifully!
Sorry to hear about your computer woes....makes ya want to pull your hair out, huh? Hope you get it worked out soon.
xoxo, Sandra

Andrea said...

Blessings, andrea

Tra La La Boom De Ay said...

Lori, everything is beautiful but I LOVE LOVE LOVE the dress. How inspiring! Thank you for a truly lovely post!

Rose Garden Romantic said...

Hi Lori! I'm swooning! You always make the prettiest creations!!! I LOVE what you did with that little dress! The vintage clothespins with lace are so pretty! I love your vintage scale- I really need to get one of those! Your posts always inspire me and make me drool over my keyboard! I think I need to find some time to go back over your older posts with a cup of chocolate milk with whipped cream (no coffee for tea for me!) and enjoy all the eye candy and take notes of all the inspiration and ideas I get from you!
Michelle xoxo

LiLi M. said...

Ah she did it again! I just love that dress! I love the colors and the vintage materials you used, I think I might set the alarm clock to see if that works for me too LOL!

Winchester Manor said...

Oh Lori...you make it sound so easy, but then I suppose it is for you as everything you create is perfection.

I just adore what you did with the cute dress from the lovely bits you received from Sandra. It looks like it's been around for decades.

I love the addition of the photo but he looks possessed! Poor little guy.

Your winnings are divine Lori, lucky girl!

Well my friend, a lovely and inspiring visit as always. Hope your computer issues get solved soon and I'm still smitten with my puff, I gaze at her beauty daily!!

Big Hugs,

Andrea said...

So pretty Lori, everything you do and make is just gorgeous!

Elyse said...

hi lori,

6 a.m., eh?! wow! was it in your mind and speedy to do? it's all beautiful. love the thought process behind the art.

and i'll bet you can guess what i am swooning over: yep, the stack of stamps, tied up with the flower!!! sigh...


Unknown said...

This is such a lovely creation, and I love the vignettes on your post. I love it when I am inspired to create something. Mine usually involves paper, but being inspired is such a lovely thing.
I hope your computer issues are resolved soon.


June said...

Lori this is the sweetest little thing. I love the touch of tea-stained cheese cloth at the waist. And the quote, oh all of it together is what makes it art! Lori art! I love it. Even the baby's crazy eyes!
Always so much fun to come see what you're up to at all hours of the day.

Jodie (everything vintage) said...

I love the little kid in the photo...totally exorcist eyes! haha
You do have a wicked streak in you Lori! hahahaha
Love the dress too...amazing!
You won some beautiful stuff there! I'm totally jealous as I tried to win those clothes pins...

The French Bear said...

Beautiful, so lovely and to think you just cut off the edges!!! I love art like that!!!
Margaret B

Secondhandrose said...

So, so sweet Lori. Amazing what you can do with a few foofidoos. Can't believe you made this at 6 in the morning, I'm lucky to know my own name at that time.


Annesphamily said...

What a darling post! These pics are so charming! Come join me so you can enter my giveaway!

The Feathered Nest said...

The dress is simply beautiful Lori! I love altered doll and baby dresses ~ I have a hard time letting them go though!! Sweet mail treasures, and all so perfect for you...xxoo, Dawn

Romeo said...

You are obviously a morning person. I mean I can promise you that at 6 am there isn't a thought in my little furry head, especially one that would come close to generating ideas such as you have created! The dress is great and I am loving the intentional crazed eye look with the calm phrase - I can appreciate the combination as I love to do the same thing with textures. And the little stack of stamps?!? Even my paws, as little as they are could not have done that, even at 10 in the evening (when my creative muse is warming up for creativity). Top paws awards to you for these fantastic creations!!

Auntie Cake said...

That dress is perfect! And I love all the clothes pins and the spools too! A girl after my own heart! You always finish everything off so beautifully. I love stopping by here!

Miss Gracie's House said...

What a fun project...such whimsy and such beauty...all together!

Faded Charm said...

The dress turned out so cute. Great bits of lace and the old laundry pins. i passed up a jar of them the other day and am kicking myself.


Fete et Fleur said...

I love it, Lori!


JaN's ArTy JouRneY said...

Aww, your little dress is gorgeous!
...and created so early in the morning too! Love it!!

Moments of Grace said...

I have just discovered your blog and absolutely love it. I think the little doll dress is so very sweet, I love the clothespins and thread spools---the stamps are my favorite.
I must have one of your powder puffs---in pink of course. do you accept custom order and requests?
thank you for a most wonderful few moments of time spent in your beautiful space.

In Grace,

cheryl kuhn said...

What a creative use of your foofidoos!!! I love that word, foofidoo, i will have to start using it too...lol... What great things from Tina, her work is so great and you are lucky to have those pieces!

Zita - Mlle Magpie said...

Lori, I love what you made. That little dress is so wonderful, with her foofidoo and crazy-eyed baby photo. I really like how you used the cheesecloth too - I just bought a bunch to dye myself too. p.s. your giveaway win is super lovely too.

Jeanne said...

Oh Lori, this dress is amazing! Words just don't do it justice. All of your creations are always beautiful. I don't think I've ever seen a doll dress like that at MY craft store. Now I'm going to go check it out and see!

Unknown said...

Eeek I am just loveing that dress girl!! Hope your computer feels better soon..hee,hee!

Sandy xox

{oc cottage} said...


m ^..^

Alisa Noble said...

Beautiful! I love the picture you chose for the dress!

Cape Cod Rambling Rose said...

LOVE what you've done with that sweet little dress... the image you added to it is perfect!

The Little Bluebird Diaries said...

Your dress is breathtaking, and I just adore the quote below your blog header. I think of that quote often -- we have so many miracles in our lives every day here at this home. I look forward to more from you soon...


Marianne said...

What a lovely dress! And that baby does have funny eyes! Happy creating and happy weekend.

paperbird said...

Lori your sweet dress is beautiful- you are amazing!

Claudia said...

I love what you created with the dress. Just beautiful. I wrote about the Edwin Knowles china today and linked to you. Thank you again, Lori!


vivian said...

Hi lori. you create the sweetest things! the little dress is precious!

debi said...

Oh, I love your latest creations! Everything you do just seems to have that soft, dreamy look. Love your work!

Every time I pass my pretty powder puff, I just swoon all over again!

Mrs. Cherry Heart said...

congrats to Tina!!!!

Lori thank you so much for the sweet birthday wishes!

NOW that dress has to be the sweetest!
I love it....{don't I say that about everything you create} It is so precious! It would be cute in my bedroom that will soon be chocolate and cotton candy pink!

Girl you are so creative...I want just an ounce of your creativity! Smiles and hugz,

Lisa said...

Fab creation there! I have a bunch of old sad girls slips. I found them here & there. Guess what I'll be doing with them today?? I thought of you when I posted today. Used Lori colors. Happy weekend. Lisa
PS Oh yes, thanks for the giveaway news.

Cindy said...

I love it all, especially in my current state of neutral-ness. That wee dress is so sweet and love the wild-eyed baby!


Anonymous said...

Sigh. More sweet lovliness!!! :)

Splashes of Pink and Mint said...

Owww... that little dress is gorgeous!!! Your touches made it so beautiful! Really eye candy!
And the presents you received are very pretty too, so totally you! Have a nice weekend!!!!!!!!

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

What sweet potatoes these crafts are. Lori they are all just beautiful. I especially am lovin' the little dress.

God bless ya'll and have a glorious weekend!

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Hi Lori,
I just love those clothes pins and the dress is adorable! You have such delightful ideas! Have a wonderful weekend.


Nancy Malay said...

Another morning person!!! (Could it be that January 10th Birthday we share?!)
I like to get up around 4:00 am, start on my pot of coffee, and the creative juices just seem to flow that time of day.
I love what you did with the sweet little dress, Lori!

FrenchGardenHouse said...

Oh, you DO have the magical touch, Lori! Everything you make is so sweet. I love this piece. xoxo Lidy

the wild raspberry said...

breathtaking little dress.
you are so creative...truly talented!


ps the squirrel undies were tighty~whities. isn't that hilarious?

Esme said...

What beautiful photos-I love the clothes peg people.

Little Pink Studio said...

How you can create anything at 6 am is beyond me...I'm so not a morning person. Love this dress, and love the little goodies you won! Beautiful attention to detail all around!

Valarie said...

Lori....I honestly cannot believe how talented you are. You took something so ordinary and made it extraordinary. You inspire me!!! Have a fabulous weekend.
xxoo Valarie

Unknown said...

Love the dress! The photos are all lovely! You have such beautiful creative touch! :)
~TattingChic ♥

Kim from The Sheep's Nest said...

Hi Lori, just found your blog. So glad I did. I have a little antique dress that I've been wanting to embellish and you have inspired me to do so. Your dress came out just adorable. I look forward to following along. Kim

Sandra Evertson said...

Simply Gorgeous!!
Love that beautiful little dress and your trim is yummy!
Sandra Evertson

Unknown said...

Lisa, Every time I see your cute little kitten logo with crown on Vivian's blog comments I smile. Your blog and creations are so beautiful, you truly are a Pink Girl extraordinaire! Elizabeth

Faded Plains said...

I'm sure I've told you this before...but you amaze me with the gorgeous things you create...the dress is amazing.

The French Bear said...

I just had to come back and tell you how beautiful this looks!!!! What a darling dress, you always have such wonderful inspiring ideas!!!!
Margaret B

Anonymous said...

How did I miss this!! This is just to DIE for. I LVOE it. I have some old vintage dresses I've been hoarding... I jsut can't seem to DO anything with them. Maybe soon... hugs- Lee.

PS- when are you coming to maine?? ;-)

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welcome to my little world where i am loving my family, cutting up paper, and making whimsies from clay and mache...