"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." --Albert Einstein

Thursday, April 9, 2009

sepia dreams

Lately, I have been so in love with tones of sepia. White, cream, oatmeal and mushroom
too. I find that color palette to be so soothing some~how. I think that playing with my
laces has given me a new appreciation for these colors. I haven't forgotten my pink, let's
not get crazy here. LOL. But, I will try to create more using this neutral color scheme.

A little bag I made using burlap, a corner of a handkerchief, twill tape, and a bauble. The
bird I made some time ago out of clay. His tail feathers and wee wings are made of paper.
He is wearing a crepe ruffle around his neck.

The lady on my tag is from Jamie's new digital collage sheets, found here.

If you are wondering how I did with my laces and sewing project, well here it is. I worked
on it just this morning, I am pretty pleased with the result:

I started with a muslin background, and layered all sorts of laces on top.

The sweet image is from a package I received from Heather, I printed her out on some of
my blue ledger paper from Jamie for a little bit of color.

Look at what my sewing machine does! I was looking for a zig zag stitch to do around the
edge of the image and I found this cute leaf pattern. I love it!

To frame or to pillow? That is the question. What would you do?


Natasha Burns said...

Wowzers Lori! I looooooooooove what you've been making!
I too have a new appreciation for cream and neutral tones, I guess Heather had to wear off on me sooner or later, hehehe!
Love the girl stitching project, it's adorable! I vote to frame it. I'd be worried about the paper and stitching breaking or coming away, if you have it as a pillow. Plus you have those little furry four legged friends to tempt, :)

Carolyne said...

That is such a charming creation!

the wild raspberry said...

I love your burlap bag! the lady seems a bit gruff though ;)
have a great night...

Cape Cod Rambling Rose said...

To frame... AND pillow! That project is sooo gorgeous! I love all the laces that you layered.

I am a lace-lover big-time, too, and I also love anything with sepia tones (I think that's why I've been on an ephemera craze lately).

sandra said...

Lori, this little sachet is so gorgeous, and I love that little tag! I'm also a devout pinkoholic....but, I, too love all the taupe, cream and many shades of white. In my world, it's either pink or neutral. Love all your wonderful creations.

Pat @ My Tattered Elegance said...

Your creations are lovely. You did such beautiful work on the frame creation. Love it.

Pat @ My Tattered Elegance said...

Hi again Lorri~
That is one pillow. It is the front and back. Thank you so much, I love working with lace. I love the victorian look.

Elyse said...


you had me at "wee!" your creations are truly amazing!!!

i was just over at karen's -- i remember the ghost and mrs. muir TV show, too. hope lange? (how do i remember these things?) i have a hunch that you and i watched a lot of TV as kids -- LOL!!!

back to you -- beautiful color (or non-color) palette. your materials are just out-of-this-world!!!


Lisa Johnson said...

Love your sweet creations!


The Feathered Nest said...

ohmygosh...Lori...you KNOW I love sepia too and your new goodies are gorgeous!!!! What's beautiful is even combining the two...sepia or tan and aged pale pink ~ just beautiful to me! xxoo, Dawn

Pieceful Bits said...


Just gorgeous! I vote for frame too!
Happy Easter

Cindy (JunqueArt) said...

I love those colors too and would love to do my entire house in them. LOVE that burlap bag!!! And your sweet lace project would look wonderful as a pillow!

maryboys said...

there is nothing as beautiful and soothing as these tones - this is all just gorgeous!

Heather ~Pretty Petals said...

Lori, this is GORGEOUS!!! I love it and I am SO JEALOUS that your sewing machine makes LEAF stitches! I had no idea that a sewing machine could do such a thing?? haha

I vote frame it! I knew you would love that little girl. ;)

xoxo Heather

Tina said...

Beaufitul projekts. I love the bag with the tag.
These are my fav. colors too.

Happy Easter to you too Lori.
Tina xx

Sara's Sweet Surprise said...

Miss Lori~I've been on a blog break...health related hiatus. How I've missed your beautiful creations.
You made burlap into a piece of art.

The apron...breathtaking!!! It was so delicate. I'd have it framed, front and center in my kitchen!

I hope you can come visit and see the Easter Surprises I posted.

Sweet Wishes,

Marianne said...

I love that! That lace portrait is so beautiful, I would frame it I couldn´t bare to think that if you made it into a pillow someone would sit on it!

Stephenie said...

Lori, You are always busy doing something..I love everything you made..That little image of that girl is adorable...I love the lace you used..It's just beautiful...I really like the colors too....You're just so creative..

LiLi M. said...

Do you know sepia dreams' dream in cream?
I love it (too!). And I love your artwork here. I would make a wall hanger out of it but don't frame it.
You made some wonderful creations again. I love that stitch, but I guess my more than 50 years old sewing machine doesn't have that. Have a nice day!

Zita - Mlle Magpie said...

Love your new projects, Lori. They are all so sweet and pretty. And I too love those lovely shades. I'm voting for framing that gorgeous lace-framed girl.

Suzy's Vintage Attic said...

Hi Lori, Really pretty things you have made! I do a lot of collages in those colours. I never tire of that colour scheme.
Have a lovely Easter Lori
Take care
Isabelle x

cheryl kuhn said...

I would definitely frame it as it is a beautiful work of art!! I had this wonderful dream last night. I was at a flea market and found this big box of millinery flowers stuck under someones table. I asked how much and they said $5 for all!!! I was so excited to send them to you and then I woke up and realized it was all a dream....but sometimes dreams can be prophetic!!!!

Tiedupmemories said...

Ms.Lori..You have been secretly busy working like a little busy artist!I'm loving all your wonderful creations! So inspiring! Keep on going!!

paperbird said...

This is so pretty. I love the blue ledger paper with the pretty stitching. I came across some blue ledger paper on my trip to CA- it was 24.00 for 1 sheet.
I had to pass it up but it was oh so pretty!

I vote to frame it :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, soooo pretty! Love all the creamy colors!


Anonymous said...

Lori this is absolutely stunning!!!! I agree....either frame it or make it into a wallhanging. More to protect the paper and image than anything. L-O-V-E, love that leaf border!



Alisa Noble said...

Everything is stunning, Lori! This is one of my favorite color pallets too.

hens teeth said...

There is something about vintage lace.....it speaks of elegance, and the finer things in life. Worn or slightly decayed is even better. Either worked exquistely by hand or machine made it is intrinsicely beautiful and you have taken it's qualities and worked your magic.

Unknown said...

Beautiful! You have turned out some lovely projects there! I love sepia tones, too.

Oh, I have a little prezzy for you over at my blog! Come and see! :)

Cindy said...

Seems like all of the booths that I was drawn to yesterday were all the black, cream, sepia look. I like it too. Now, in my home, I know color would come creeping back in...LOL...but I sure do like to look at elsewhere. Love your things.


Jessi Nagy said...

hey there love bug.
happy Easter to you too!!
this is beautiful.
you are so very talented!!!
have a fab weekend.

Faded Plains said...

Everything you make is just gorgeous! Wishing you and your family a blessed Easter.

Anonymous said...

So beautiful! I love neutrals with lots of texture too. If it were mine, I'd frame it because if I made it into a pillow our stinkerdoodle would surely find it and claim it for her own. She has good taste but doesn't take care of her things haha :)

Fete et Fleur said...

Happy Easter , Lori!

I love your latest project! I think you should turn it into a sachet pillow filled with lavender.


kana said...

Loving your little lacey girl!! I vote for frame!!

The Studio at Crow Haven Farm, LLC said...

Yes, Lori everything you make has such a vintage feel and I so love that about you. Have a beautiful and happy Easter!

vivian said...

your lacy piece of art is awesome! I love the pattern from your sewing machine. its so sweet. I wonder if mine does anything like that?! I like the nuetral tones too, and sometimes I think I could totally change over to them, but then I realize how much I love all these pinks and blues and cranberries and sage greens and pink and pink.. ummm,, did I say Pink? and I realize.. it cant happen!
hey! did you make a little bunny lori doll? you should!
happy easter!

Celestina Marie said...

Hi Lori, Love your creation. Just wonderful. You are so talented!!
Hope you have a special Easter.

I am having a 100th post giveaway, if you have a moment to enter.
Hugs, Celestina Marie

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

oh, you're on a roll! good for you. my muse is sleeping at the moment. Happy Easter.

Jennifer Hayslip said...

Lori! I am *SPEECHLESS* I can not tell you how MUCH I love your new creations! Pure delicate *sweetness*! XO,Jenn

Mary Wadsworth said...

Lori I love your new creations, the color palette is so heavenly.

Happy Easter:)


tiffany ~ shabby scraps said...

Oh, I like the burlap bag suggestion! That's a good one, other wise I vote frame. Whatever you do, It is simply goregous right now!!! You are one talented lady miss Lori!!
xoxo, Tiffany

Anne Marie said...

instead of framing- put it on a canvas :)

Just wanted to come by and say
Have a Blessed Easter!!

Enjoy the weekend!!

Anne Marie

Le_Vintage said...

Oh My Gosh! Every project you get you're hands onto takes my breathe away! I can't stop checking in every day to see what new creations you can come up with. Looking forward to future posts, and if you ever need supplies I have a collectin of over 800 authentic antique photographs!


Frame, I think. Gosh you do gorgeous work!

Kim said...

I think I'll let you surprise me with your final decision - Happy Easter , Lori!

Little Lovables said...

GORGEOUS! I agree, there is something so soothing about those colors! Even unpainted paper mache can be fun to play with!

If that was my design, I think I would frame over a pillow... but that is mostly b/c I have 2 toddlers that would destroy a pillow!

Little Pink Studio said...

I say frame and send to Cerri. :)
Beautiful work Lori!! I love that stitch that your sewing machine does!! What kind of machine do you have?
I really love them image printed onto the ledger paper too, that's lovely!
I hope your Easter was wonderful!
xo, Cerri

Jeanne Oliver said...

WOW...so beautiful!

Just Between Us Girls said...

Dear Lori,
Thank you for stopping to view our little Taber.
I love what you are doing with your sew machine and that sepia ....well everything is grand.
Sorry this took so long...my husband has been in intensive care and is recovering at home. The road to recovery is moving very slowly but he is making progress. I wish you good health and happiness always.
Love and hugs,

Betty said...

Oh Wow! Oh Wow! Lori, that is gorgeous!!

Vintage Papers said...

beautiful pieces! I also love Jamie's new digital art, you certainly created some beautiful pieces!

Mrs. Cherry Heart said...

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh Lori,
I love love it......

You are amazing girlfriend!

Have a super week,
Hugz & Blessings,

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welcome to my little world where i am loving my family, cutting up paper, and making whimsies from clay and mache...