"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." --Albert Einstein

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

arting with my mom

One of my favorite things about my mom coming to visit with me is the time we spend
together creating. When my sweet mom was here in December, I taught her how to do
needle felting and for Christmas I bought her a needle felting kit and a book of needle
felting patterns. When she came to visit me this time she brought a gift for me that she
made using her new skill of needle felting. Look how cute:

Is that the sweetest bunny or what? My mom also made the darling basket he is sitting in.
I think this is just so precious, even more so that it was made with love for me by my mom:

For our project this time we just did a simple little thing using a cute slip that we found
during one of our antique store jaunts. And a twig found in the parking lot of one of said
antique stores ... the twig had a perfect bend and lovely aged patina for use as a hanger
for the little slip:

Sometimes little things can be the most satisfying.

Did I mention our antique store jaunts? I will show you the goodies I got in my next post.
I let my mom have first pick of the good stuff, her shopping is more limited than mine.
But I did manage to find a few good things. I hope you will stop over and have a peek.


Anonymous said...

Sweet!! My mom's response to my art "I just don't understand what you do." Nice. Or, even better- "I was at an auction, and they had all of this stuff you would have loved." WOULD HAVE. "Did you get anything?" NO.

I want to learn to felt!! I think you should come to our Weekend Getaway next year!

cheryl kuhn said...

What a special treasure you have that will always remind you of your mom and the time you spent together! Gifts like that are the best!

Lisa Johnson said...

What a sweet post. Love the little gift your Mom made for you and the darling slip with a twig hanger, what a great idea. Can't wait to see your finds.


Mary Wadsworth said...

Oh, Lori your mom's bunny is adorable
what a special gift. Love the little slip so sweet :)

Happy day,


Beautiful!! Your mom is a great artist!!

Are you mad at me? Haven't heard from you in like forever!!
Hugs!! Miss you!


The Charm House said...

How blessed you are! I always want my MOM to craft with me but there are always a reason that she can't! I am thankful however that my young daughter comes home from college and the first place she wants to go is the studio to start creating! I hope I will always be a MOM like yours taking the time with my child.

Tiedupmemories said...

What a sweet bunny!Lots talent in your family!The little dress is simply adorable!Can't wait to see your treasures too!

The French Bear said...

What a lovely bunny!! I love the felted animals you make, they are so darling!
Margaret B

kana said...

I really like the pretty slip. Your mom is great at felting and what a loving gift for you to cherish!

SweetAnnee said...

Oh so sweet.. Why did I not think of that??
I do use twigs for hangers, but I never
put text or added pics and fleurs to it.


You're so lucky to have a sweet mom
and someone who likes what you like


karlascottage.typepad.com said...

You made me miss my mom! She and I loved to sit and make things.

LiLi M. said...

I love your banner and your new blog lay out. And that bunny is so sweet, of course even better know we know that your mom has made it especially for you. There is nothing like a gift made especially for you, don't you think? And you are such a generous person, letting your mom choose first from the antique treasures, of course I will be back to see them. Your little slip with that twig hanger is gorgeous too. Have I mentioned everything? Have a nice day!

paperbird said...

That little bunny is the sweetest- I love it

Unknown said...

Your Mom made you a beautiful gift! I love needle felting..just started a couple months ago to learn. You also make some wonderful whimsical needle felt animals. Warm wishes, Esther

Cindy (JunqueArt) said...

How sweet. Your Mom's bunny is precious. Love the little slip.

the wild raspberry said...

creativity must run in your family...i think that it is great that you got to do this fun stuff with your mom! great creations and great memories were made!

Secondhandrose said...

What a true blessing to have a Mom that enjoys the same things you do! The bunny is precious. I'm sending you both a hug.


Naturegirl said...

So charming these special little crafts made by loving hands!

♥zoe♥ said...

*lol* Arhh..so fun mother & daughter togather making some stuff! I'm sure your mom was so happy to gave yoy her bunny in the basket isn't this was her 1st experience needle felting? Well she has your skill and what a lovely creation!

Maybe you should convince your mom to join blogland too!


Jenn said...

What a treasure to share those interests with your mom! Love your sweet little bunny she made you!

Anonymous said...

Good for you for having that kind of relationship with your mom. It's good for the heart to do things together.

Stephenie said...

Your mom did an amazing job...She only learned from the best...That's so much fun that you and your mom craft together...Can't wait to see the goodies you bought..I'm glad you had fun with your mom...

Unknown said...

OHHHHHH That bunny is soooooo cute Lori!!! Your mom rocks! What fun it must be to create together. I am so happy you got to do that and keep the beautiful memories from it! That slip is gorgeous! You always have such beautiful ideas Lori! Love the hanger and just everything about it! It has a calming feeling to me :)
Love ya,

Fete et Fleur said...

What a lovely time you had together. I love the bunny she made for you and your project turned out beautifully! I can't wait to see your shopping goodies.


Splashes of Pink and Mint said...

Owww.... your mom is so talented! Like mother like daughter!
The little slip is sóóó cute!
I can't wait to see what you've bought! Must be great, knowing you!

Andrea Villarreal said...

That is just the cutest thing. I love the simplicity of it. Inspiration is every where!! A twig in the parking lot!! I need to open my eyes more:)

lorhen82 said...

That's so special that you got to create together! The bunny she made you is really sweet, and I'm sure you'll treasure it forever! ~Lori

Jeanne Oliver said...

That bunny is so sweet...and amazing that she just learned. How special that you guys can craft together.

Kim said...

so THAT's where you get your mad skills - your mom makes a mean bunny!
And good news btw - my mom DID like her angel!

Nice and Easy Antiques said...

Hi Lori! That little slip is breathtaking! You and your Mom are very talented!

Kara Ward said...

Your blog is delicious!!! So is that felted bunny. What a treasure!

Reflections from the Stone Nest said...

Your Mom's bunny gift is so very sweet. And the little slip is delightful. Sounds like you had a wonderful visit. And your apron is gorgeous. Love the ribbon trim. Can't wait to see what you got shopping!

Have a wonderful day

Sara's Sweet Surprise said...

My mother and I were just like you and your mom. We would spend hours chatting and making all kinds of creations together. I miss her and those craftin times.

The felted bunny in the basket is so precious. Your mom has a great attention to the fine details like you...down to the velvet nots and gimp trim. I think she needs a shop!

Sweet wishes,


How special to be able to have a shared interest with your mom! I wish I had that. The bunny in a box your mom made is beyond delightful. She is really talented. I see where you get your creative flair!

Unknown said...

You and your mom make the perfect crafting pair. How fun! That bunny is sooo sweet!


Jeanne said...

Oh I love Mother-Daughter crafting - what fun!

P.S. - You've got me hooked on this needle felting thing, although my creations are not as intricate as yours.

Diane Mars said...

Well now I see where you got your creative talents from. How sweet to have that gift made special just for you. And using the gifts from you. Tell your Mom that the bunny and basket is getting great reviews.
Oh yes the art project with the Childs slip is just darling. Hugs, Diane

Elyse said...

how beautiful, how fun, and how fortunate you are to share that bonding interest and creative spirit with your mom.

her bunny is adorable. the little dress is just the sweetest thing ever. i love it on the twig! gosh, you are totally inspiring!

eeeps and more!


Faded Plains said...

Your mom's bunny and basket are so cute...and the little slip with the branch hanger...love it!

Tiffany ~ shabby scraps said...

how sweet! My mom is my bedst friend. we love to go antiquing together too! Can't wait to see what else you have been up to!

maryboys said...

i've missed your posts, lori:) love the little dress and the twig hanger especially...

Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

I am "kinda" jealous...ok I will admit it...I AM jealous! A visit with your mom...just a nice time together....crafting and shopping. What Joy! I just love her little bunny...I can see where you get your creativity and talent from.

Stay Cozy Together,

Unknown said...

Cute! That is so neat that you mom does stuff with you like that. Like Lee W says in your first comment my "adopted" mom says that I'm "wierd" because I tat or knit or whatever...OKAY! She doesn't GET that this kind of stuff is IN again, LOL!

Little Pink Studio said...

How sweet Lori! I love that you and your Mom create things together. You know how much I love to do that too! Mom's are the best, right?
xoxo, Cerri

PCovi said...

That little bunny is so precious!
And the slip on a stick is too....I just love looking at your photos.
The back of your home looks so clean and pretty with the sunroom and the gardens around the patio. I like the compromise idea :)

Robin said...

That is so sweet that you and your mom have the same interest and creativity! I love the little bunny....she did an amazing job! But she had an amazing teacher! I'd love to learn how to do that!

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welcome to my little world where i am loving my family, cutting up paper, and making whimsies from clay and mache...