"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." --Albert Einstein

Friday, July 2, 2010

pretty blooms

my flower beds are a hot mess ... i told you that ... right?

yes, i thought so ...

so, while i would sooner try to juggle live snakes than show you a panoramic view of
my "garden" ... i do have some blooms that looked extra pretty to me this morning:

it is a gloriously beautiful day here today ... i hope it is where you are too ...

ps: i have been SO busy the last week, that i had to skim over my google reader
... if i failed to leave a comment with you, i am sorry ... i did read most of the over
350 posts ... whew! ... but i didn't have time to comment to each one ...


clustres said...

makes me jealous.

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

So pretty!!

Charlene said...

Your photos are amazing!!!!!!!! What kind of camera do you use? WOW! Is all I can say. Do you use Photoshop Elements too? LOVE your work. Charlene

Anonymous said...

So pretty! I love the angle you shot them at, getting that gorgeous blue sky in the background. Beautiful!

Susan McShannon-Monteith said...

Just beautiful Lori.
Enjoy your Fourth of July!
Susan x

karlascottage.typepad.com said...

Happy 4th, Lori! Hey, you have FINALLY won my giveaway!!

sandra said...

Lori...you are SO funny! All your flowers are just beautiful (and I bet your entire yard is, too)! Not only are the flowers beautiful, but your photography is stunning!

Anji Johnston said...

What beautiful pictures and flowers - I am green with envy as all my plants have died in the heatwave we are having in Virginia. I'll just have to look at yours for this year! Thanks for sharing

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous blooms, Lori! Happy 4th to you & yours!

BucksCountyFolkArt said...

Breath-taking pictures! Wait....if I breathe in hard enough, I think I can actually smell their fresh aroma!

debi said...

Oh Lori, your blooms are gorgeous!! I should be so lucky. Mine looked pretty for about five minutes and now they're wilting in the heat!

Diana P. said...

Gorgeous flowers! And it was an amazingly beautiful day here too! I'm not looking forward to the humidity that is on its way!

Crowing Moon said...

haha I wouldn't do a panoramic view of my garden either. I blogged about it the other day and you can still see some of the mess and that the was the areas that wasn't too bad ;)
Very pretty flowers :)

Natasha Burns said...

Lori gorgeous, don't apologise for not leaving comments, you are probably the best visitor anyone could ever have, gosh, don't worry about it cutie pie!
loving the gorgeous blooms!!!

Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

Your flowers look lovely and believe me they are thriving much better than mine. Here on the coast we have been roasting from the heat and humidity. However, today and yesterday we were blessed with a cold front and it's been wonderful.

hugs and Happy 4th of July.


Nice and Easy Antiques said...

Just stopping by to wish you and the family a happy 4th!!!

Maija said...

Your garden looks lovely!!!

Anonymous said...

At least you have a garden!! I have some dirt, where I pulled out some pretty, but invasive, plants. I found a lone peony, a single astilbe, and a litte bed of Monarda. sigh- maybe next year!

Lisa said...

Wow, I'm the first comment. Guess that shows what a loser I am on July 4th reading blogs. LOL Seriously, I do have a life, I promise. You read most of 350? Your awesome girl, no wonder your flower bed is one hot mess. I feel very neglectful of my bloggy friends too lately. I'm trying to catch up. Hope you & your cute haircut have a great 4th. Lisa

Sara's Sweet Surprise said...

Lori~ those are the most gorgeous blooms! The lavender colored flower is a variety I'm not familiar with, but reminds me of the desert flowers of my childhood.
Our goofy weather has really messed with our flowers and especially the fruit. I gave up and went to Costco and bought a huge container of strawberries...after my turned to a mildewed mush.

I will never forget the first time I saw green chlorine hair!! It was a shocker!! The poor girl had to come to school with her new*pool doo* or should I say don't, lol.
You're styling with your adorable haircut. Someday I hope to be as brave.

I've had a passion for crinoline from my childhood (oooh sooo looong ago). The frillier the better. You lucky girl!

Sweet 4th of July wishes,

{oc cottage} said...

I'd love to have a flower bed of any kind...so, a"hot mess" would be fine by me! {ps.they don't look so "messy"! ;}

m ^..^

Anne Lorys said...


Oh, and your hair is super cute, too! :-)

DIANE said...


Alison Gibbs said...

How beautiful the 'surviving' blooms look.

June said...

Lori, your blooms are truly gorgeous! What I saw of your beautiful place...it is so lovely! Do you live on a large place? Hey, I don't even show pictures of some of my beds. Some just aren't worthy...hehe! that's what is so great about blogging. We can be very, very selective.
I hope you never worry about me feeling slighted if you don't make it to my place. I know that Summer is a busy time...and I know you're out there somewhere...lol

paperbird said...

Lorie your yard is so pretty- such beautiful summer blossoms. Have a lovely week.

Zita - Mlle Magpie said...

Beautiful and happy blooms in your garden, Lori. Hope you're enjoying the hot summer weather in your fabulous new short haircut.

Sugar Bear said...

Wow! I had 199 to read and I thought I was bad :) Beautiful blooms and I have a feeling your garden looks better than you think it does!

Carole said...

My garden isn't ready to any panaramic viewing either. cobbler children...blah blah blah!

Still working up the nerve to do a hair post!:))

Valarie said...

Your flowers are just gorgeous.
xxoo Valarie

Jessi Nagy said...

hey sweet girl

aawww these are gorgeous! i love all of them
hope you are having a fabulous summer.

The French Bear said...

Lori, your garden looks lovely....I love the shot of the Liatris......so pretty. I was wondering how the new hairdo is holding up?
Margaret B

Sandy said...


Your flowers are stunning! It is so hot and dry here that everything is shriveling up, thank you so much the refreshing beauty.

Mitzi Curi said...

Pretty blooms indeed! I've got to get out my camera this weekend and capture some beauty around here too!

chasity said...

your garden is so lovely lori.
i knew it would be.
the liatris is amazing.

have a good break.
i miss you already.


Bobbie said...

Beautiful! Thanks for sharing.

Heather ~Pretty Petals said...

Thinking of you Miss Lori!! Hope you are having a wondeful summer... xoxo

Alba Linea said...

so lovely flowers! here is it sooo cold and i hate this. i want sun all over the year.;0)
best wishes and a very nice week!

Creations by Marie Antoinette and Edie Marie said...

Be so happy when you get back.I'm just getting back myself.
I hope you get back in time for my give away Dear,
You have a safe and Happy Halloween
Hugs and Witchy Kisses
Marie Antionette

Auntie Cake said...

Just looking at my puff wand and it made me think of you.

Have a wonderful weekend. Hope your son is having a simply marvelous time off at college. My own daughter has completely forgotten she has a nice and cozy house here, she is having just a good time. I love it that she is independent and totally capable, but sometimes I just wish she needed me a teensy, tiny bit!

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