"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." --Albert Einstein

Friday, April 9, 2010

puffs ~ n ~ stuff

or should i say stuff about puffs ... this is a shop update notice for anyone who
is interested in having one of my puffs ... i will be updating my etsy on monday
with four puffs ... one blue, one pale pink {may already be spoken for}, one in
a pale dusky mauve, and one in a very pale gray ...

here are the puffs that i mailed out on wednesday ... the one in the middle is
done in the pale dusty mauve ... it is the first one i have done in this color, and
it is stunning in person ... the color is more of a taupe with a whisper of pink ...

the two pinkies in the next pic were mailed out today ... Kate, yours is the one
in the front ... the blue puff in the middle will be for sale on monday ...

now, i listed a puff in gray as a "make your own puff" on monday, and there
didn't seem to be a whole lot of interest in this color ... let me tell ya ... if you like
a more neutral color palette ... or decorate with a lot of silver, this color is perfect
for you ... it is so soft and pretty in person ... it's a beauty, trust me ...

thanks for stopping over ... you can add my etsy to your google reader if you
want first dibs on any of the new puffs ... and i am always available by email ...


Andrea said...

Those are just extremely pretty Lori! You do such a great job making those!

Auntie Cake said...

Can't wait!!! So beautiful!

Have a good weekend! Smart thoughts for ACT kiddo!!!

Unknown said...

Hi Lori! These are so beautiful. I love the mauve so much, stunning!! You are making me want another one, lol!!
Love ya,

Tina said...

Love your puffs Lori - they are so beautiful.
Wishing you a wonderful weekend.
xo Tina
ps: almost done with the website makeover, and I did have a blog makeover too :D

Zita - Mlle Magpie said...

Dear Lori, you must be just about all puffed out by now :) Such gorgeous creations - what will you think of next?!!

Diane Mars said...

Lori, you seem to turn everything you make into gold! I love your puffs such pretty colors. I hope you are going to be having some R & R this weekend. Hugs Diane

Jeanne Oliver said...

You do such beautiful work!!!

sandra said...

oh my word Lori, you are a puff making machine!!!! I told you that there would be an unbelievable demand for these beauties!!!! Your little fingers will be falling off from gathering all this silk...lol! You'd think since I have one of these gorgeous creations of my very own, that I wouldn't continue to drool every time I see one....NOT! You make me want every color...I think I have a problem. hehe
Congrats on a magnificent creation...I hope you fill the world with puffs!!!
Love ya bunches,

Anonymous said...

well, I might be interested in the gray. What size is it- and could it be used as amini pillow on a bed? I never have girly things...

Were we neighbors?? Where r u? I was in Lancaster Co, Pa. Georgia is where Tammy lives. Hope the headaches are better.

I start my new job on Monday!!

Auntie Cake said...

Just drooling again. And yes, I have tons of things I should be doing. I am having 50 people over tonight, and I didn't know about it until 11:00 AM today! I need to go clean, but I can't get enough of those ruffles!!!

Andrea said...

Thanks sweets for stopping by,I opened a new etsy shop for all things pretty and burlap, so thats where the pillows are but I have to make myself some these are too pretty to almost part with!

Fete et Fleur said...


These are GORGEOUS!! You make me want to have one in every color. I adore mine!


debi said...

Lori, your puffs are just soooo beautiful! I absolutely adore mine and still get so excited every time I see it.

Unknown said...

These are so pretty and delicate! Love them.

Valarie said...

Lori....I think the grey one looks so beautiful. I still love my pink one best!! Have a fabulous weekend.
xxoo Valarie

Cindy (JunqueArt) said...

Oh I LOVE those Lori! They are beautiful!!!

Britt- Sparkled Vintage Charm said...

Hi sweet Lori!! How have you been? Great I hope!! I haven't been visiting any blogs lately(for gosh months now!! lol. Time flies!) I just wanted to drop by and say hi!! Darling post!!Lovely puffs! I hope you have a fabulous weekend!! Huge hugs!!! Britt

Heather ~Pretty Petals said...

Lori, they are absolutly beautiful! I love the grey... gorgeous.

xoxo Heather

Vicki said...

Lori, they are gorgeous! I haven't seen a color I didn't like. The blues, pinks, mauves, all you have shown are pretty as can be and so feminine. Have a happy weekend, sweet friend! Vicki

Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

Aren't those puffs just beautiful, Lori!

Gail said...

I wish you'd quit tempting me with these exquisite puffs! Absolutely beautiful.......

Elyse said...

how about HR puffnstuff? remember that?

your puffs are like confectionery treats -- so pretty & yummy!

happy weekend!


Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

I think they are pretty in all those colors. Lovely.


Nice and Easy Antiques said...

Sooooo sweettttttt!!!!

Mrs. Cherry Heart said...

Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Lori!
They look like big o puffy lollipops!

Enjoy your weekend,
Hugz, Dolly

Pink Princess said...

They are ALL SO pretty, I LOVE them ♥♥

LiLi M. said...

Ahhhh those fluffy powder puffs...they make me feel like I'm in an old fashioned confectionary store. (A good one with candy in beautiful apotecary glass, a french tiled floor, got the picture? And you faery Lori standing behind the counter selling your fluffy powder puffs with a gorgeous smile....heaven.)

~*~ saskia ~*~ said...

Awww Lori, these are beyond stunning. So so sooooo sweet!

Have a great weekend, talented lady! xo

Lisa said...

It sounds like your feeling a little better, hope so. I adore your puffs! I told you Jodie let me hold hers. I had to wash down & sanitize first. LOL I love the grey, but I'm a neutral girl for sure. I hope to buy one soon, I have a birthday coming up. Maybe I can register at Lori's etsy! Lisa

Claudia said...

Lori, I love my puff! If anyone reading this is considering buying one, I say go for it! My pink puff arrived yesterday and it is stunningly beautiful. Lori's work is exquisite.

Lori, I have to go to San Diego to work for 10 weeks and I'm taking mine with me...It will be such a pretty touch in my temporary lodgings.


Anonymous said...

They are all gorgeous, Lori. I LOVE the gray one - but then again, I love Jeanne d'Arc Living style! :)
Wishing you and yours a beauty-filled weekend!

Karen The Graphics Fairy said...

These are so gorgeous Lori!!! You come up with the dreamiest things using that silk!

LuLu Kellogg said...

Oooooooo, I love them! I am really enjoying mine :)

I am SO glad you loved your ring. That makes me SO happy!!


The Tin Rabbit said...

Hi Lori! Blue,pink,mauve or gray..they are all precious!!! The one you made me is one of my most favorite things ever! I Love it! It's so pretty sitting on my dresser~ Have a Great Weekend!

Anonymous said...

Lori, these are lovely! What a beautiful job you do making these! Stunning!

Alison Gibbs said...

Lori your puffs are so soft and pretty

chasity said...

i'm so glad that your puffs are such a success. they are delightful.

i gave my girls their bunnies you made them for easter. they love them.
they look perfect in their sweet little rooms.

big hugs ~

Jodie (everything vintage) said...

I think you should change your blog name to "my puff window" hahahaha
All jokes aside girl, I just love my little puff and think of you everytime I sit in my studio. I have it front and center!!!! :)
I can only imagine how pretty that gray one is...I'm sure it will find a wonderful home, if it hasn't already!!!! :)
Hope you are feeling better friend!

stefanie said...

those are sooooo adorable!!!

Splashes of Pink and Mint said...

Your puffs are gorgeous!!!! Love them all, also the grey one!!! But grey is "hot" at the moment overhere in the Netherlands. But my personal favorite would be the mauve one, I love that color!

Holly Loves Art said...

They are gorgeous you clever girl! Love them!

Kelee Katillac said...

Hi Lori!

Love your puffs and so happy to meet you!

Thanks so much for the visit!

love, kelee

Unknown said...

These puffs are so lovely. You always create the most gorgeous and feminine things. I would love to visit a shop in person with all of your creations together at once.


Sugar Bear said...

Absolutely gorgeous Lori! So feminine and perfect.

Alisa Noble said...

Gahh... stunning Lori!

Andrea said...

Gorgeous!! WOW!!

Blessings, hugs, and prayers,

Nancy Malay said...

It's always a delightful visit to your blog, Lori - eye candy for sure!

I'm having a Spring GiVEaWAy on my blog, so please stop by and sign up!!

Nancy www.nancymalay.blogspot.com

blushing rose said...

They are luscious Lori, just gorgeous.
Have a wonderful day.
TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon

Carol Mae said...

These are so pretty and delicate, I'll have to go over to your shop and get one soon. Very lovely blog also. Smiles, Carol Mae

Laura said...

Hi Lori, I've been away from blogging for a few months now (because of my health),trying to catch up with my faves and my my you've been up to so much loveliness! Love your puffs! I've gotta try to stay caught up so I don't miss so much next time :)


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welcome to my little world where i am loving my family, cutting up paper, and making whimsies from clay and mache...