"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." --Albert Einstein

Monday, October 12, 2009

junkin' monday

so, i thought i would have to sit out for another junkin' monday ... this virus i have is just
kicking my rear end ... and i don't feel like doing anything ... but ... my peeps still have to
eat ... so when i went on my grocery store run thursday ... i thought since i was showered,
dressed and in the car, i would drive down the road to one of my favorite shops and see if
there was anything pretty there that caught my eye ... there was ... this oh~so~lovely
vintage glass hankie box all smothered in ribbons:

oh my! isn't it yummy?

the ribbons are deliciously faded and tattered ... just how i like them ...

that's it ... one little purchase ... but it is enough ... i love it so much ...

be sure to stop over to "nice and easy antiques" to see what everyone else
found for their "junkin monday" post!


Debra@CommonGround said...

Lori, you're gonna laugh really hard at this, but when I first saw your picture of the darling little hanky box, it looked like a pair of frenchy oh-la-la under panties!!! (certainly not like anything I could wear, ha ha) oh well, I guess I'm just a little warped! Glad you were feeling well enough to shop!

debi said...

Oooooh! What a beautiful treasure! I love the ruffly ribbon all around it...and the colors are gorgeous!
I hope you're feeling better soon, there are sure alot of sick people out there right now.
Hugs, Debi

Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

It looks like that pretty hankie box was just waiting to brighten your day! I hope you are feeling better...at least that sweet treasure gave you a hop, skip and a jump!

Stay Cozy & Well,

Alison Gibbs said...

Lori hope you are soon feeling better
What a treasure you have shown us today

Faded Plains said...

Love it...so girly!

Jeanne said...

Hope you feel better soon Lori!

cheryl kuhn said...

I am sorry to hear that you are still a bit under the weather, I hope you will be feeling better soon! Love your find, you were a lucky gal to be able to bring that piece home with you!!

The Summer Kitchen Girls said...

Well, if anything would make us feel better, it would be finding a treasure - hope it does for you too! We don't ever think we've seen a hankie box....how darling is that! Thanks for "taking one for the team" and stopping (we're sure it took a lot of talking yourself into making that extra trip for Junkin' Monday!!)
Feel better soon!
Karla & Karrie

sandra said...

Goodness Lori, I believe finding that GORGEOUS hanky box would make it worth being sick! I've been looking for one of those for years....kinda like millinery around here....not to be found. What a find...it surely made your day! Just stunning. Hope you feel 100% soon.

Tiedupmemories said...

I love it Lori! I've never seen one like that. Pretty! Take care of yourself!!

Anonymous said...

LOVE it- I'd have snatched it up too. Totally worth getting dressed for! Oh, that and the food, too. Fell better.

Kathy said...

Hiya Lori~
Sorry to hear your feeling bad, but at least your feeling better. Always a treat to visit your blog, and now I am off to see what this Junkin Monday is all about.

Jodie (everything vintage) said...

Hi Lori! I'm with Debra above...I thought the SAME THING...thought you found some pretty undies!
However, upon closer inspection...the hankie box is too beautiful!!!!
I hope you feel better and get 100% soon!!!!
everything vintage

Unknown said...

That is lovely! I would probably put tatting shuttles in it....okay, probably hankies with tatted edgings in it first and THEN tatting shuttles, LOL! Everytime I see one of these vintage hanky boxes me thinks me wants one!

Ha ha ha! My word verification says "later".

Later, dudette!

Diana P. said...

That's a lovely find! I hope you feel better soon. I've been sick the last few days as well. I guess it's going to be one of those winters...

Unknown said...

Lori, that is one of the yummiest things I have ever seen!! I would have fainted if I saw that in the store, lol! Gorgeous!

I am so sorry you are still so sick :( I have a new virus that I got yesterday. But, I think it is because it was 30 degrees out and my boys opened all the windows in the house!!!!! I woke up feeling like an ice cube! All achy, headache. I was so mad, lol! Kids, I tell ya! Their excuse? We were hot! I guess if I ran around, did flips off the couch, pretended I was spiderman and jumped off the top bunk, I would be hot too, lol! I hope you feel much better soon sweetie!

Tina said...

perfect - love the color too.
IOh - I hope you´ll feel better soon. Take care.

Jill said...

oh, that is soooo pretty! Hope you're better soon!

vivian said...

It must have just been meant to be for you! sweet find.. HOpe youre feeling better soon!

{oc cottage} said...

What a scrumptious delight that is!

m ^..^

Gail said...

Are you kidding me? I'd have been over the moon with that find, and it sounds like you are...hope you're feeling better my friend!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous! How do you find things like this? Lucky, lucky you!


karlascottage.typepad.com said...

That is so YOU!

the wild raspberry said...

so sweet and well~loved...
feel better~

Wendy McDonagh-Valentine said...

Absolutely gorgeous!! I hope you're feeling better soon. :)

~ Wendy

Cami @ Creating Myself said...

You scored that wonderful hankie box & you're jealous of my finds??? What is wrong w/ you? ;o)

Hope you get to feeling better soon!

Jeanne Oliver said...

I hope you are feeling better soon!!

Sugar Bear said...

Ooo - gorgeous! I can never find these kinds of things around me!

Nice and Easy Antiques said...

Sometimes all you need is a stinky cute-pink-tattered to perfection-oh so dreamy piece to make your heart skip a beat...and you got it Lori!!!
Hope you feel better soon! Thank you for playing, girl!
M & C

Uncanny Festoon said...

Well I hope u r feeling better soon! That ribbon is wonderful, how sweet it was there waiting for you to cheer you up!


Winchester Manor said...

Hi Lori!

I missed you while I was away and boy what a fabulous treasure you found! I've never seen anything like it. What's better than pink and ruffles? NOTHING!

Hope you're feeling better real soon.

Big Hugs,

cindy@cottageinstincts said...

Yum. That's beauty right there.

Pamela Jane said...

If your virus also brought you a runny nose, that lovely faded-grandeur hanky box sure would deliver in style. Hope you're nearing the feel-better phase soon!

The Feathered Nest said...

Lori, this box is SO YOU!! I'm so glad that you found this hanky box...it needed to be with you ~ I hope you have a wonderful week sweetie, xxoo, Dawn

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

Sorry you are still feeling under the weather. Hope you feel better soon!

That is just a precious find!

Sara's Sweet Surprise said...

Lori~ not even the creepin' crud will keep a woman from a vintage find!! Pretty, pink and frilly...I would say it was well worth the effort.

The hankie box with the lil' lace pocket was such a perfect, delicate touch.

I hope you and your family are on the mends soon. Hopefully since you were hit so early in the season you'll cruise on by through the rest bug free!

Sweet wishes,

paperbird said...

I love the faded ribbons. I hope you feel better soon. Nothing like shopping when your sick to make you feel just a little better. I have a little bug myself maybe I will venture out!

Andrea said...

Oh my! You scored, I love the ribbons! Hope you feel better soon sweetie! xo Andrea

June said...

Lori, that beautiful box was just screaming your name! Boy, aren't you glad your family has to eat...you could have missed this, and it was just made for you.

Tia said...

You are still sick? Yukka!! I hope you start feeling normal again realllly soon!
I never knew there was such thing as a hanky box! That is too pretty... maybe you can put some Kleenex in it, heheh!

Elyse said...

my favorite part of this post is finding out that you fit-in fun shopping en route to errands. i do that all the time:

picking up something at cvs = stopping at the home decor section of tj maxx

going to the market = stopping by michaels

and so on, and so on, and so on!

beautiful hanky box!


Elyse said...


feel better soon!



That is the first glass hankie box I've seen...WOW..it's awesome.
LOVE the journal box you made...
One busy gals making beautiful treasures.
Deb :)

Julie Pishny said...

I hope you will be feeling peachy again soon - but loved the vintage hankie box - I've never seen one like it - a real find. Takes lots of vitamin C, drink lots of fluids and rest - you'll be well soon. xo - Julie

Robin said...

oh my gosh Lori! That tattered worn soft ribbon is beautiful! Perfect to show off pretty hankies! So glad you had some luck in your junking adventure!

Zita - Mlle Magpie said...

A most fabulous and pretty find for your Junkin' Monday, Lori. It was there in the shop just waiting for you!

LiLi M. said...

Love that glass hanky box, it was just waiting there to be picked up by you!! We always say: it had my name written on it, and I think when you look very carefully you see in faeries' handwiriting 'Lori'! Hope this made you feel so much better! Warm wishes!

Natasha Burns said...

Hope you're feeling better soon dear! Surely that incredibly amazing piece would put a smile on anyone's face! It's utterly exquisite! I've never seen anything quite like it before!

Monica said...

Hope you are feeling better soon!
But wow arent you glad you left the house that day:)
That is a stunning find !!!
Austin says thank you for liking his robot ! he really had fun making it.

Cathy said...


That is absolutely beautiful. What a delicious find. I'd be happy going home with just that wonderful vintage box. LOVE IT!

xo Cath

shabbyscraps said...

omg, that is the yummiest thing ever! And what a way to make yourself feel better!
xoxo, Tiffany

Secondhandrose said...

What a fabulous find! I love the color too. Hope you are feeling better.


Charlene said...

That should have made you feel better! Wow! I have never seen a box like this LOVE IT! Also, I love the name of your BLOG. Sooooooooooo very cute.

Charlene said...

I have been looking at some more of your posts & LOVE what I see. I am going to add you to my sidebar. Don't want to miss the magic. Have a great week.

Jennifer Hayslip said...

WOW! WOW! WOW! How come I dont find gorgeous beauties like that where I live???? You lucky gal! Just a quick trip to the grocery and you end up comming home with beautiful hankie box. The ribbon...TDF!!! ;) Feel better!!! XOXO,Jenn

Anonymous said...

Ahhhhhhhhh Lori!!!! That kind of hanky box is one of my hearts deepest desires lol. I can't believe you found one on a bit of a whim - you go girl! It's lovely and I think you deserve it my dear :). I'm so tired of this flu/virus season already, and it's only early October :(...is it too soon to be wishing for spring?


Unknown said...

Gosh I can't believe that you can find such a treasure just down the road! Well I hope you feel 100 % better soon!


Unknown said...

What a find indeed! That is stunning!

Kindredly, Lynne Laura

Unknown said...

Lori dear heart, say goodbye and shoooooo away that nasty bug. Your hanky box is the pretty find of the day for sure.

roseroomnz.com said...

What an absolute find Lori!!!!! And I do like it that you are embracing your 20's as well - lol Rachaelxo

Unknown said...

Hi Lori! I am back to say thank you for your sweet comment today on my blog! I always enjoy your visits. I did say before on this post that I am looking for a glass hanky box like that for sure now! ☺

The Feathered Nest said...

I love it Lori!!! Everything looks beautiful to me! Can you believe we've been blogging for almost three years now?? The time is just flying by ~ Your banner is gorgeous...
xxoo, Dawn

Karen The Graphics Fairy said...

Hi Lori,
I'm so sorry your not feeling well!! I hope you get better soon! What a treasure you found, I've never seen one like that before, how unusual and so lovely.
It's so dangerous for me to come over here, I can get lost on your blog for HOURS!! Everything is amazing, and those Dolly Pops are just the cutest thing in the whole world!

Ele at abitofpinkheaven said...

It is perfect! Hope you are feeling better soon. Your header is really nice too.

Alisa Noble said...

Wow! I've never seen a hankie box like that one, before. It's so pretty!

I like your new banner too!

Susan McShannon-Monteith said...

Never too sick for treasure hunting eh?
It is beautiful.
Hope you're feeling better.
xo Susan

Anonymous said...

Hi, new to your blog. Absolutely love the box. The pink is SOOOO Yummy. At first I thought it was a pair of silky french undies :) But I think I would love to pull tissues from it too. I will be back.
P.S. will add you to my favs!

Fete et Fleur said...

OH MY GOSH!!!!!! This is absolutely stunning, Lori! You have the most amazing luck at finding treasures. You would pay an arm and a leg for something like that here. Congrats!


Rose Brier Studio said...

What a pretty hankie box, Lori. I love the one you found. Hope you feel better soon.

Ana said...

Hi Lori,
Just wanted to stop by and say Hi. I also wanted to thank you for your visit and comment. I do hope you enjoyed your stay and that you will be back for another visit soon. Until next time.

♥Ana~A Petite Cottage

Cindy said...

LOL...OK, I'm looking at Debra's (Common Ground) comment over here on ROFL...LOL. ohmygosh. :D

What a lovely find! It is gorgeous! Hope you get better!


Reflections from the Stone Nest said...

OOO-HHHH!, that hankie box is just "dreamy"! I love it. Definitely worth the stop that day! Hope you are feeling better. Lots of "nasties" going around right now. Have a cup of tea....


Sandy said...


I think Madame Marie herself would adore your hankie box! I really have never seen one quite as delightful as this one. Congrats on a great find!

Diane Mars said...

Lori, that is such a wonderful find, you must have fainted when you spotted that yummy box. The ribbons are faded perfectly. I'm glad you enjoyed the Stuffed peppers. Hugs, Diane

Prancing Pixie Studio said...

That shade of pink is bliss! So glad you found a treasure you love. Hope you are feeling 100% real soon! My teens are both home with the flu....I am hitting the germ killer bottle pretty hard!

♥zoe♥ said...

Hello Lori,
So sorry to hear you are not feeling well....
In fact you are so lucky to find such rare beautiful box:)

I have change my blog address to this http://dreamcometruelovekz.blogspot.com/ and wanted to say thanks for being so nice and generous visted my little blog hehe:) I always look forward of your visiting so much, the previous address had no longer use. Hope to hear from you soon and your lovely handmade stuff.

Take care & get well soon Lori!

Anonymous said...

Sure is yummy Lori. Reminds me of icing - and that's a lot of swirls of icing :-) A pretty find you have there.

Betty said...

Oh! That's so pretty! I can't believe you found it at a thrift store!!

Rose Garden Romantic said...

Hi Lori! What a pretty find!! I have never seen one of those! Hope you are feeling better soon!

Unknown said...

Lori, this is delicious! How pretty and perfectly aged looking. It looks like it had your name written all over it. Hope you are feeling better soon, sweets.

Candy said...

So sorry to hear you're not feeling well. Hope that doesn't last long. What a beautiful little 'pick me up' you found. And that art journal and box are over the top gorgeous!!! Sent your link to a friend who is working on an altered book for her mom. Love the box idea.
Sunday 'get well' blessings from Texas ;-)

Jennifer said...

Lori, Our friend Debra just doesn't want to admit she has panties like this! I wil admit it and mine are bright pink! NOT! Seriously, very pretty. Hugs, Jenn

Anonymous said...

Lori, that is stunning!

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welcome to my little world where i am loving my family, cutting up paper, and making whimsies from clay and mache...