"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." --Albert Einstein

Sunday, June 14, 2009

road trip to leesburg

What an amazing road trip! We had such an wonderful group of girls, each and every one
of them is so sweet. I really had the best time ever. Let me introduce you:

Front row from left to right:
Hope from Paper Relics
Karla from Karla's Cottage
Beth from Gathering Dust
Stephenie from Just a Little Bit Pink
Robin from Thrifty Miss Priss

Back row from left to right:
Jessica from Such Pretty Things
Pamela from Pamela Janes Studio
Amy from Inspire Company
Heather from Pretty Petals
Andrea from Everyday Beauty

I was not carrying around my camera, so I have to thank Karla for the use of her group
photo and for blocking most of my face out of the pic. Thanks Karla! I owe you one. The
scenery pics were taken from the car. Yes, I am doing that again. Leesburg is the most
charming town, if you ever have the chance to go there you will just fall in love with it.

If you are ever find yourself in Leesburg, Lucketts Store is not to be missed. Now pay
attention, because this actually threw off my car mates and myself. I don't want the same
thing to happen to you. This is Lucketts:

This is not:

This is the side view of Lucketts, just so we are clear:

A little ways down the road is the charming little shop "On A Whim". You will know you
are there when you see the darling pink with polka~dots silo. The owner Donna Troxler is
just as nice as she can be. She is assisted in her shop by her adorable granddaughter, I am
so sorry I didn't get her name.

This shop is a pink lovers dream come true:

Did you ever see a more precious bicycle? I want one!

In a little shop behind On A Whim you will find Prom Dress Heaven. It is TDF, and I wish
I had better pics. Hopefully someone else does.

After shopping we went out for a delicious early supper and gifts were passed around.
From the left: a darling travel folder from Pamela, on top of my folder is the sweet little
bud vase from Robin, the beautiful bag was made by Heather and Stephenie, Karla made
a lovely tag book, and Beth made a crochet towel for everyone. Thanks girls, I love every~
thing so much!

I want to show you a close~up of the travel folder from Pamela. It is the perfect place for
all of us to store the momentos of our trip. Each one was personalized and there is a pocket
for everything. The gorgeous postcard was gifted to us by Hope. Mine will be framed.

About the shopping: It was incredible and I found the most wonderful goodies. I bought a
beauty plate at Lucketts, and it was so funny because Heather and Stephenie bought the
same one. Gloves I found at On A Whim, they are so pretty but they need a deep cleaning:

Paper goodies were found at various places:

I can't go anywhere without buying an old photo. I found a charming book too that
I purchased because I fell in love with the spine:

From On A Whim: a proper lady's hat and the most exquisite gloves:

The glove details are incredibly lovely:

On our drive back home Heather, Stephenie, and I made a few more stops along the way.
I'm pretty sure I found my next pretties in Maryland, but I have no idea of the name of
the antique mall we were visiting. Stephenie was the first to stumble on this booth where I
lost my mind a little bit. These were a bit of a splurge, but I couldn't resist. I bought two of
the sweetest doll hats I have ever seen while out shopping. I am smitten indeed:

The next one is so over~the~top gorgeous and I am really disappointed by my pic. I hope
you can tell how utterly lovely it is in person:

If you made it through the end of my longest post ever, thanks for sticking with me! I hope
you enjoyed my pictures and that I have inspired you to make your own little road trip to
Leesburg. I have to thank Heather for planning this little excursion and for inviting me to
go along. This trip was a dream come true and I enjoyed every minute!


Hope | Paper Relics said...

wow - you are a really good car photographer! Those photos are really great and I was thinking "when did she take all these?!" so I laughed when you wrote from the car.

And you got a lot go great goodies - there was so much going on I did not get to see what everyone purchased so I am glad you posted it.

Wasn't it just such a fun day - and time FLY by - it seesm like we only had an hour or two together.

SO happy to have meet you - cannot wait to do this again!

Robin said...

Lori, I had such an amazing day too! Your pictures are wonderful! I can't wait to hear about where you went in Maryland....because those hats are WONDERFUL!
I just LOVE my little faerie you made for each of us....it will be treasured always and be a reminder of a fabulous day out with friends!

Karen The Graphics Fairy said...

Hi Lori,
I'm sorry I missed you at Lucketts, but I'm so glad you had a good time! I love how you cleared up our location, we do get confused with out neighbor across the street from time to time, that was just perfect how you showed both, and the side of our building too!
Your blog is fabulous, I could spend the whole day gazing at your gorgeous banner!!
Thanks for stopping by my blog to say hello.

Unknown said...

WOo HOO! Fabulous pics! Thanks for taking me along for the ride! ;)

The Studio at Crow Haven Farm, LLC said...

Lori, what a wonderful trip you took! I felt like I was there with you all! LOL I love pink bike and the beautiful dresses. WOW looks like you guys did a lot and saw a lot of fabulous places. Thanks for sharing your journey with us!

Tina said...

oh - it looks like you had a fantastic trip Lori. All those gifts are beautiful and so are your finds. Love old photos and books too. Those shops on the way looks so great too.
Thanks for sharing
Tina xx

Donna Layton said...

How wonderful!

Anonymous said...

Wow! It looks like you had a great trip, what super shops you got to see and wonderful goodies!!!

windycorner said...

What a fantastic trip...so much beauty! You were absolutely right to buy those doll bonnets. If you hadn't , you would have regreted it later.

Betty said...

Oh you lucky girl!! What a fantastic trip! I would love to meet all of you. It seems like all of my favorite bloggers are all on the other side of the U.S.. I keep telling my hubby that we need to get an r.v. and go visiting!

Tiedupmemories said...

What fun!I love all your pictures! I wish one day to go on a large girl trip like that!! Thanks for sharing your trip!!

Cathy ~ Tadpoles and Teacups said...

Such wonderful treasures! And it sounds like a great trip with so many talented ladies.

Cape Cod Rambling Rose said...

Oh my gosh!!!!!!!! What a fabulous time you all must have had! I am just so envious (in a GOOD way)! The company looks divine, and the gifts are beautiful, and the treasures you found are amazing! OK.... now you all need to come out here to Cape Cod and do it again so I can join in! lol lol lol

Jessica - Such Pretty Things said...

It was such a wonderful trip, Lori! And so great to finally meet you! The photos turned out great - I can't believe I didn't take any - I guess I just really wanted to enjoy my time with all of you! My faerie box is proudly displayed in my studio - it is soooo beautiful and I will treasure it always!


Joan@anythinggoeshere said...

Isn't every thing just the prettiest. and it is nice to put some faces with the blogs in blogland. thanks for sharing them with us.

Heather ~Pretty Petals said...

Lori, you are such a wonderful friend... I am so glad to get to spend a few days with you in such an AMAZING and beautfiul place! lol

Feels as if we have been friends forever!

xoxo Heather

Heather ~Pretty Petals said...

oops... forgot to say that I LOVE those hats you bought. Glad you treated yourself to something simply STUNNING! xo

Anonymous said...

Lori, that blue hat is so GORGEOUS! Did you have to arm wrestle Heather for it? haha...I think I would have tackled you to get to it first had I been there....guess it's a good thing I wasn't :)

Looks like a wonderful day, glad you had a fun time and hope you are feeling better soon!


karlascottage.typepad.com said...

Heather is right, those hats are stunning!

Thanks for the fun day, my cheeks are still tired from all the smiling I did.


Pearl said...

Gorgeous finds indeed, the hats are awsome! I can't find any vintage hats around here. If I see one it is black with no flowers. Love the shops, I want to go shop at them. What state is it???

Pansy Cottage Girl said...

What a lovely trip. Wish I was a mouse in your pocket:)

Reflections from the Stone Nest said...

All can say, Lori, is I hope someone bought that last hat! It's gorgeous! Heard you all had a glorious time together and a fun few days. Hope I can accompany you all on the next trip!


P.S. - hope you are feeling better...

kana said...

Looks like you had fun and I love all the photos of the stores!

Stephenie said...

Lori, I miss you already...I'm having withdrawls....I had the best weekend ever...I'm so glad you were able to be there...You're such a sweet and kind lady..I'm so happy you're part of my life...I miss you and Have fun with you family...

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Oh yeah... totally jealous of that trip! What fun, what fun, what fun!
bunny hugs,

Elyse said...

hi lori,

wow -- it looks like such a wonderful time and how fun to see a photo of everyone!

i have read about lucketts in country living.

all of your purchases and gifts are lovely!

looks like just what you needed!


Elyse said...


the little doll hats are AWESOME!


Jeanne Oliver said...

I agree with Paper Relics...you ARE a good car photographer:-) What a fun trip. Everything looks amazing....the homes, stores, those prom dresses (that green one is amazing), your purchases and then the incredible gifts you received from all the girls.

Pamela Jane said...

What a lovely set of photos -- and what an eye you have for purchases as well :)!! It was great fun meeting you on this special trip, and I'm already hoping for the next time. Wishing you a wonderful family trip!

Lydia said...

Aw, shucks, I wanted to go, and it's not too far! Wahhh! I love Leesburg.:)

Cindy said...

Looks like you gals had a wonderful time and you found some great goodies. And yep, LOVE that card from Hope...just gorgeous!

yapping cat

Lydia said...

ps- You must've stopped in Brunswick or Frederick.

sandra said...

oh my goodness, what beautiful pictures of your trip! Love everything, especially that taupe prom dress and those gorgeous pink gloves! But the things that really made my heart skip a beat were those STUNNING doll bonnets...I mean,
WOW!!! I'd love to know where that shop was, as I'm planning a trip to Brimfield and will be going through Maryland. Hugs, Sandra

♥zoe♥ said...

Gosh such a great finds! I love everything you bought from your road trip! How i wish my soul could only dream to be there even stay in US!
I just so in love of the On A Whim antique shop:) The prom dress really gorgeous to me:)


robin dudley-howes said...

So, so pretty! Everything! What a great store too.

Alison Gibbs said...

Lori what a wonderful trip with the girls.
Thanks for sharing your trip with us

Simply Debbie said...

Dear Lori,
this is my first time to your blog and I love it....
first....I have 2 cats and love...love cats so your blog photo made me do a squeal and a happy dance...that is the sweetest victorian, elegant, chic cat I have ever seen...she is a star...all my pets are boys...I would love a girl kitty...my spacey cat who would go so lovely with your cat does wear a rhinestone crown on his collar because he just allows us and the other pets to live here. All my pets are neutered and inside gentlemen.
I would love to see your blog photo cat on my blog every day...she just makes you smile.
Thank you for the pictures of your trip...I live in oklahoma so it was neat to see your area of the world especially those pink bikes...I love, love all your treasure you purchased a long the way.
so nice to meet you, Lori

Simply Debbie said...

Dear Lori,
I forgot one more thing......you had to buy those beautiful doll bonnets because if you had not and I had been there I would have purchased them and you would always wished...."I SHOULD HAVE BOUGHT THOSE DOLL BONNETS!!!!"...lol

Zita - Mlle Magpie said...

What a wonderful weekend trip, Lori. Sounds like everyone had a great time. The shopping looks amazing, indeed. Your doll's hats are to-die-for beautiful. Are those Lyle's friends?

cheryl kuhn said...

Oh i am so thrilled you had such a fabulous time and how lucky you were to be in such great company and too find so many wonderful finds!!

maryboys said...

everything looks wonderful:)

michelle sylvia said...


Your trip and visit looks like you all had so much fun!! I wish I was there to join you!! Look at those goodies you made the girls! I'm sure that they LOVED them, your work is incredible!!!

Miss you. Hope you are well.

Big Hugs,

Birds of a Feather said...

Hi lori ~

Lucky you to live near so many talented ladies! I met a bunch of them at SB last year and loved each and every one! What a sweetie you were to make such sweet gifts for each of them too! What a day you had ~ Leesburg is so charming, and the shops!

Thanks for sharing ~
xo Heidi

Cindy (JunqueArt) said...

Looks like you gals had a wonderful time!!! Love your pics!!!

Sugar Bear said...

Oh how wonderful! Your photos are gorgeous Lori. Makes me feel I was right there with all of you.

Alisa Noble said...

Sounds like a wonderful trip, Lori! I'm so glad you are feeling well enough to do something like this!

Birds of a Feather said...

Lol ~ you are too sweet! I am nuts! I clearly don't know when to stop! Thanks for the encouragement, it keeps me going! xo

Jeanne said...

Lori, your photos are wonderful - I almost feel as though I was there with you all. What a special trip with a great group of gals! Thanks for sharing it with us!

Secondhandrose said...

What a great trip. The pink baby hat is my hands down favorite! Pick me up on the way next time!!


Unknown said...

Hi Lori!

WOW, what a fun trip you girls had! You are so lucky :):) I LOVE those doll hats!!!! Just to die for! I am so glad you were able to get away and have some fun with the girls. You all are so cute!!

Love ya,

LiLi M. said...

Whow!!! You all must have had such a great time! I think you just deserved it after being under the weather and I sure hope you are doing better now and stay well. I love 'your' photos! Those doll hats are to die for! Your gifts in the previous post were stunning! (I was away Friday and the weekend, so I didn't see them sooner!) Take care!

Mrs. Cherry Heart said...

Oh Lori those dolly hats are
What a lucky find!

Looks like you girls had a fun time!

Hugz, Dolly

Kim said...

I'm so glad to see you got out of the house and had a good time with your girls - and that last hat is awesome! I've NEVER seen a dolls hat like that , very fancy!
take care this summer if we don't hear much from you :)

Monica said...

OOh it looks like a fantastic time!
Love all your pics and the stores :)
Hope your week is off to a great start !!

Lori said...

Sounds like a wonderful girly time! I need a trip like that, its been a long two years of icky stuff! Love all your finds my favorites too! And the adorable creations for the girls, fabulous! Have a peachy keen week doll! Lori

Anonymous said...

oh you lucky girl! The pictures are lovely. I can see why you bought the doll hats- they are stunning. xoxo

Ele at abitofpinkheaven said...

BEAUTIFUL!!! I'm so jealous that you ladies all got to spend time together! THank you for the GREAT pics. Such lovely items.

shabbyscraps said...

what a blast! Oh, you are making me drool over your purchases!!
xoxo, Tiffany

melanie said...

absolutely love the hats! your blog is just wonderful...so glad I found it!

Holly Loves Art said...

ahhhhhhhhh.... sigh............ more sighs......... thank you so much for this beautiful post. Such lovely pictures and obvious fun! Wow!
Have a great night!!

Jodie (everything vintage) said...

Hi Lori!
Girl, am I jealous of your road trip!!!!! What a great group of girls! Oh...and that plate! Glad I wasn't there...we would have had to tango for it!! ;)
Awesome trip (but I'm still jealous!)
Nice to meet you through Heather and Stephenie...
everything vintage

Artifax said...

oh, what a fabulous road trip!! And you take such great travelogue photos! Prom Dress Heaven looks just... heavenly :)

Nice and Easy Antiques said...

Oh Lori! Thank you so much for sharing those beautiful picts with us...it's fun to finally put faces to so many wonderful blogs! Love that pick store!!
Again, Thank you!!!

Andrea Singarella said...

you found such beautiful things, Lori! It was a really fun day, wasn't it?
It was so nice to meet you too!

Unknown said...

What a fabulous time it must have been and I recognize most of the girls you were with. You scored some awesome finds too! I just loved looking at all that eye candy :)

Sandy xox

Scheharazade said...

ooh I love these fairy dresses !


Jennifer Hayslip said...

OMG!!! Those HATS & GLOVES!!! Im about to fall out of my chair!! You LUCKY LUCKY lady! I would have splurged also!!! Oooh it looks like you ladies had a lovely time. Just what you NEEDED!!! ;) ~*XO*~Jenn

Elyse said...

hello my friend!

i have tagged you. come to my blog to see what to do!



please do not feel any pressure whatsoever to do this if you are not feeling up to it, 'kay?

Candy said...

I was there to the end. I only wish I had been along for such a wonderful day. Your pics had me drooling over your lovely, delicate, fun, beautiful goodies you gathered along the way.

Great times, great friends,

Sara's Sweet Surprise said...

This was sooo wonderful! I felt like I was shopping right along with you. The hats and gloves were definitely a must have. All their delicate details were exquisite. Sometimes I wish some of those lovely items would become fashionable again.
The scenic drive was a nice way to start the venture. Thanks for sharing your trip.

Sweet wishes,

luckygirlgifts said...

Wow!! What a wonderful trip. Good friends, good shopping, beautiful sights, what more could you ask for? I want those ruffles.
Thanks for all of the beautiful pictures, I wish I had been there.

Pearl Maple said...

Looks like an amazing adventure full of creativity and giggles, thanks for sharing all the photos and stories.

Creations by Marie Antoinette and Edie Marie said...

Hi Lori,Everything is a amazing.Such beautiful builgings and shops.I wanted to keep looking.Your group of ladies are just beautiful and so are you.i know you had a ball.XXOO Marie Antionette

Jenn said...

My chin is on the floor. Fabulous finds. I love the spine of that book too... how fabulous... and those victorian scraps... I'm swooing. Looks like a wonderful time... glad you enjoyed it!

snowflakesoneyelashes said...

Wow!! I have been wanting to go to Leesburg for a while now and it is not too far from my house. And your post has made me definitely put it on my summer road trip list..I got my cooler and GPS ready to go!!

Faded Plains said...

What an amazing trip. I'm so glad you got out and had the chance to meet up with your friends. Hope your feeling better :o)

Pansy Cottage Girl said...

Hello lovely Lori~ I've tagged you!

Isabelle said...

Hello Lori
What wonderful photos. You always buy such beautiful things, I bet your friends love shopping with you.
I really enjoyed the photos showing the different buildings, I like the architecture of many of them. Being in UK it's nice to have a peek across the pond.
Take care
Isabelle x

Wanda said...

Hello Laurie, I am a new visitor, I am looking for some info on how to make a crown. your things are lovely, do you have any advice on how to go about it. I am in a swap and I want to make it as beautiful as I can. I thank you in advance for any help. TTFN Wanda

Garden Antqs Vintage said...

Hi Lori, Luckett's is one store I've always wanted to visit. Maybe one day. Love the prom dresses too. Thanks for stopping by and hope you have a great 4th!

Mademoiselle Julie said...

OMG! The green dress I would have had to buy - for my future wedding or something! Haven't seen such a gorgeous dress in YEARS! Thanks for sharing! Cheers, Julie

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