"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." --Albert Einstein

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

what is that thing

Don't be frightened ... it's only me sewing. If you have been visiting with me a while, then
you know I am not the best of friends with my sewing machine. However, I did drag it out
this morning ... and after an uneasy truce ... I proceeded to whip up my apron for the
altered apron swap I am in. Karla is my partner. This is the only sneak peek she is getting.

Hubby and I went shopping yesterday at a store that used to be in my town square and
was one of my favorite places to shop. It closed down a few years ago, and I had no idea
they had just moved until I happened to stumble upon them online. When we got there,
hubby was commenting to the shop owner about the door being damaged. She said "oh,
that's from when they busted the door down in the raid". Now, this store is literally a few
miles west of me, and we were totally oblivious to this local scandal. Jeez Louise, you just
never know what is going on behind closed doors, do you? Well, I think this store will be
one of my favorites again. There was a lot of pink, sweet baby items and praises be ...
vintage hats! Hooray! I only came home with a few button cards, but I am excited to have
found this shop again.

Happy Tuesday!


Gail said...

Wow, that's quite a story, I think I'd have an anxiety attack too! Almost had one just reading the story:)
Love your button cards, can I have them? (just kidding)

the wild raspberry said...

happy tuesday to you!
oh, vintage hats...i'm doing a post on them friday....i have a terrible addiction.

Elyse said...

so the shopping continues!

i need to make friends with my sewing machine. well, we are friends, it's just that my fear of math has kept me from making anything. i bought YARDS of amy butler fabric last year to make valances. one of these days???

looking forward to seeing the fabulous apron!


♥zoe♥ said...

WOW! i just back to my mom's place and i remember she had a very old SINGER sewing machine which is manual! Now it became a antique hahaha and full of dust...
I love to explore everywhere too:)and glad you found a new place to go next time!

Is pretty late here...look forward your pretty apron swap okay!
gonna bed:*


Tiedupmemories said...

I can't wait to see the end result of the apron you are making!Sounds like a really fun swap! That shop sounds wonderful! Sweet buttons! Speaking of buttons...Thank you so much for putting up my button on your side bar!I appreciate it! Happy sewing!;.)

Zita - Mlle Magpie said...

Gee, Lori, that's not much of a sneak peek there of Karla's apron. Are you sure you don't want to reveal just a little bit more? I am soooo curious.

LiLi M. said...

Button cards are always good as starters! I cannot wait to see all aprons, but where is your apple martini lol?

Unknown said...

WOW Lori! That is quite a story! LOL! People are so weird sometimes, I tell ya! But I am so glad you found the shop again! It sounds like they have some wonderful things!

My sewing machine and I dont get along either :( But I bet your apron will be gorgeous and I cannot wait to see it!
Love ya,

Mippie said...

I can't wait to see what you create with your sewing machine! You are inspiring me to pull mine out of storage and see what happens! xo-Mel

Andrea Villarreal said...

Well I had to read the story of the door getting kicked in;) That's funny. Happens in LA all the time! Cute button cards:)

snowflakesoneyelashes said...

Look how nice and clean your sewing machine is...mine is dusty and dirty...why? Because I dont even know how to plug it in, I cannot even put a button on.
What cute button cards!


Can't wait to see the finished product! It's sure to be lovely.

Anonymous said...

Oh Lori, your sewing machine is so white and pristine and modern looking...and I bet it doesn't screech and squawk and moan with every stitch either. I'm jealous. Mine's nearly as old as me and showing it's age. Or maybe it's just giving me lip for leaving it neglected in the basement for decades?

Can't wait to see what you've created!


Lola Enchanted said...

Wow, you never really know what's going on behind closed doors! I'm going to check out the link, maybe I heard about it on the news!!!!

Take care, Oh, your not that scary sewing!!!!!hahaha...

Lola Enchanted said...


That's worst than I thought!!!!!!!

Wren Cottage said...

I have a hard time sewing a straight line, so you are doing great!! Cannot wait to see the finished apron Lori!! And that is a really creepy feeling, yikes!
Even with the raid and all it would be worth it just to live near a shop with all those treasures!! woohoo!!
Thanks for your sweet comment too :) ~ I made the cafe curtain and you can see what I'm talking about my sewing skills, lol!!
And yes, that would be the tea party of my dreams!! I know we would have a blast!
xo ~ Madai

Pieceful Bits said...

That is scary to hear that it is close to your home. Your little sneak peak is funny...that is all she is getting;)

Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

I hope the raid was before they opened their shop? or did they bust up a ring of "hot collectibles"? haha

Unknown said...

Ohlaalaa! And apron swap! I can't wait to see what you whipped up!

Anne Marie said...

sewing is a passion of mine- so great post! I know how you feel ;)

I don't think you guessed at my big surprise yet have you??

c'mon on over----there's a prize involved (no bribing here- lol)

Monica said...

Wow hoping the raid happened before she was there!
Good luck with your sewing adventure!I am not real good friends with mine either and opted to leave it behind in storage upon moving here..lol

Jeanne said...

I' so happy you found your shop again! What a wonderful surprise that must be. Good luck working with your "old friend" the sewing machine.


Natasha Burns said...

LMAO you and a sewing machine??!!! hehehe!
wow what a funny story in your town!

lauren bergold said...

well hello, ma'am! i know i have been shockingly neglectful of my lovely blogging friends, but please consider me punished enough, having missed so much FABULOUSNESS in these parts!!!

btw, those sweet SCHWEEEEEEEEEEEEET pink "custom-ordered" felties may well be your best ones yet! holy moly you are AMAZING at making those. i am in awe. seriously. ♥♥♥

ps: the pic and caption of mr. madison has LITERALLY made me "lol" this morning...which is saying something before 10am in my case!!! :)


cheryl kuhn said...

I can't wait to see how your machine and you work together peacefully to create the apron! You might find that a love affair will occur between the two of you....lol......

Alisa Noble said...

It's fabulous to find an old "friend" like that. I had a similar situation, when my favorite shop closed. Then I found that it had moved only two store fronts down and was under a new name.

LW said...

Oh, I hate to sew!
And to think I use to make cloth dolls as my full time work…
One year I had 57 orders for dolls to be done by Christmas…
Maybe that is why I kick and fight that machine so today…

can't wait to see your apron..


Fete et Fleur said...

Happy Tuesday dear Lori! I can't wait to see your finished project. Thanks so much for your prayers.


Fröken Tindra said...

Love Your Blog! Beautiful pictures!

Anita @ the Pink Funny Farm said...

Hi Lori, your blog looks great as always. Haven't been by in awhile....but it still has lots of beautiful stuff going on!

Dawn Parsons Smith said...

Oh my goodness!

I love the buttons! I am always trying to find vintage buttons!

Andrea said...

I love the button cards!! Come by and enter my giveaway sweets!

Pinkie Denise said...

Wow, Love your button cards Pinkie

Splashes of Pink and Mint said...

Ah, a girl can't have enough buttoncards! And lace, and crochet doilies! I'm looking forward to your apron! (but I know you, it will turn out great!)
Happy sewing!

Unknown said...

I have made friends with my sewing machine...in fact I got a new one for my birthday and we have become best friends! I act like I can sew! I have found that If you act like you know it...you actually do ! LOL

Ginny Gibson said...

You know what Lori I really have been away from blog too much cos the eye candy on here is gorgeous and so up lifting!!

I LOVE your banner just for starters and those little pink friends of yours ... well I think is want one or maybe more.

Thank you for your lovely comments on my Marie Day Post ~ you are sweet, my book has to come via Heather again before it comes home so maybe you can catch a look then, and sort out my corset for me will you hee hee .

best wishes Ginny x

Cathy ~ Tadpoles and Teacups said...

The spa was probably not passing the grade with the Better Business Bureau.

Anonymous said...

Love the bluebird cars- I never have such luck.

Stephenie said...

What an exciting story..Heather and I will have to come and shop with you one weekend..Love the button cards......I can't wait to see the apron you made..

karlascottage.typepad.com said...

Tantalizing little peek!

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welcome to my little world where i am loving my family, cutting up paper, and making whimsies from clay and mache...