"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." --Albert Einstein

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

mad at martha

Yes. I was. Mad. at Martha. the Martha. uh ~ huh that Martha. Some time ago I saw on
someone's blog where one of Martha Stewart's collection boxes was used to make the
most beautiful assemblage using old photos and such. Well, the very next time I was at
Michael's I was thrilled to see that they had the collection boxes on sale. I snatched up
four of them. My glee lasted only as long as it took me to get home and remove the shrink
wrap. To my utter dismay the plexi~glass front was all etched and yukky. So, of course,
I did what any reasonable person would do. I tried to remove the plexi~glass. Um. Yes.
That didn't work so well, and the box was tossed into the trash. The rest of the boxes sat
in my cupboard until I had the bright idea that I would glitter the front frame of one of the
small boxes. The plexi~glass on this one was equally etched and yukky. But soldiering on,
I applied my glue and shook glitter all over that stinker. Um. Bad news: I managed to get
glue onto some portions of the plexi ~ glass and it would not wash off. Into the trash that
went. After this second failed attempt to make anything with my collection boxes I was
getting a little disgruntled.

Well yesterday, thinking that "the third time is the charm", I pulled out my remaining
boxes and determined to make something out of them. And I did. Using an image from
Heather, ephemera from Lauren, an old photo from Rhea, and some things I already had
I made these:

The plexi~glass on these is no better. Funny thing though: when these are tucked onto
a shelf, you can't even tell. I want to find a tiny small mesh bag to add to the box with
the "flapperette". Won't that be lovely?

I am not mad at Martha anymore.

Have a wonderful Day.


Tina said...

Your boxes are SO beautiful.
Love them both.
Tina x

Zita said...

How beautiful - I love your shadow boxes!

Jenn said...

Wow. Those are just amazing! Love them! That little white dress is just the cutest thing! Beautiful work......

LiLi M. said...

Whow I love it! The shadow boxes are both simply stunning. We don't have anything Martha Stewart up here, now that is a reason to be mad at her!

vivian said...

you crack me up.. poor ol Martha! well the last two sure turned out cute! I love the one with the little dress the best! so cute!!

Heather ~Pretty Petals said...

Lori... lol about Martha. I guess she had an OFF day when she made these huh?

I LOVE your boxes SO MUCH. They are gorgeous... xoxo

lauren bergold said...

i occasionally get a bit disgruntled with martha for no reason at all...so i feeeeeeel yer pain! :)

but no...you cannot tell that said glorious boxes have imperfect plexiglass AT ALL! and even if one *could* tell, we'd all still be waaaaaaaay too busy looking at all the patented faerie window goodness you have bestowed upon them! BEEEEEEEEAUTIFUL (as usual) oh clever one!

(ps: in a similar situation, what about layering one of the many decorative transparencies that are on the scrapbooking market lately? it could go OVER the plexi and thus hide the imperfections without blocking the window?? failing that, i'd scratch the windows up MORE and paint the boxes with that crackly stuff and call them "distressed"!!!)

(none of this excuses said domestic mogul from having produced shoddy product! FOR SHAME MARTHA!!!)

Jamie said...

These turned out BEAUTIFUL! Where did you get that sweet little dress from? I love that so much. And you said you weren't feeling creative yet! Stinker:) Love, Jamie

Anonymous said...

Very Cute!

The Feathered Nest said...

So gorgeous Lori!!!!! I've picked those up over and over...but couldn't bring myself to pay the price ~ you make them look worth it!!!!! have a great day, xxoo, Dawn

the wild raspberry said...

i adore that little white dress! they are one of my major weaknesses. you did a lovely job framing it in the box as i peeked through the scratches of the plexiglass...just kidding! i couldn't see any imperfections from here. they are wonderful. :)
wouldn't you love to dress like a flapper for a day? that should be a new national holiday "Flapper Day" Get out your dresses and hats.

cheryl kuhn said...

Wow, Martha would be so proud of you! They are wonderful, love the flapper gal...hugs, Cheryl

lorhen82 said...

They turned out beautiful! In the words of Martha..."It's a good thing." ~Lori

Anonymous said...

I love, love, love how your boxes turned out etched plexi glass and all!

Karin said...

Lori..You need to send that to Martha!!! I bet once she sees your work not only will she bestow a life time's worth of shadow boxes on to you, but you will be asked to be on the show!!!! :)

FrenchGardenHouse said...

Those came out so beautiful! How annoying and very un-Martha-like that they are not perfect straight out of the packaging, though.:)
xo Lidy

Anonymous said...

Hi Lori, I wandered over here from ....well, I don't know how I got here but I am glad I did. Gorgeous blog and glad you made something beautiful with your M. Stewart boxes. I was wondering if I can use your sidebar icon of the bear for "Save Handmade" and the link on my blog? Thank you so much. Hugs, Lynn

Diane Mars said...

Leave it up to you to make lemonade out of lemons! Cheers well done. Hugs & Kisses, Diane

Anonymous said...

Thanks Lori, It's now on my sidebar. Have a super great "warm" day. hugs, Lynn

Sugar Bear said...

Beautiful creations Lori! You can't even tell there is any damage to the plexi. Kudos to you for keeping the faith.

Cheryl Ensom said...

Oh those are gorgeous! My favorite is that dress one! Lori...I adore it.

SunshineandRavioli said...

LOL! I'm sure Martha will be relieved to hear that! I have looked at those boxes at Michael's and noticed the scratches...good to know that they can turn into something so beautiful! Great job!


MJ Ornaments said...

Oh I'm glad to see you aren't mad at me! Love the shadowboxes they turned out beautifully.

Andrea said...

I love those Lori! Just darling!!

Fete et Fleur said...

Oh Lori! LOL ;~)

This is such a me (Nancy) thing to do! I'm glad they finally came out to your liking. I think they look lovely!


Mippie said...

Oh Lori!

Your boxes are absolutely delicious-but I hear you about the quality of those boxes!


The Rantings of a Drama Queen's Mum said...

Beautiful. That dress is so cute.

Anonymous said...

Oh, those boxes just turned out so beautifully!! I love the baby gown. I must do something like that with my daughters, it's just so precious what you did!

Beth said...

hey lori !!! i just love the baby dress - soo yummy , funny i was just thinking of doing something like this for my mom of my father since he passed away , this would be the perfect little shadow box for her to keep a few momentos of him in ! thanks for the inspiration !

sweetmemorymakingmom said...

Lori, Cute post! ANd love how both boxes came out! The little girls dress/forget-me-nots is my favorite. But I must say, "if martha is putting her name/brand on it, it should be good quality!"

hugs, Ellen

Unknown said...

Shoot..I bought 3 of those boxes on sale last year and still haven't opened them! Well your last two boxes came out just perfect! I love whast you did to that darling baby dress!


Just Between Us Girls said...

Well Lori...
You did it...my motto exactly never give up. This is stunning and worth all the effort you put forth. Thank you for the lovely comments about the bench with the pillows. I am debating whether to list or not and I love the table you looked at and of course it is listed. Have fun whatever you do.
Love and hugs,


I am swooning, and it's all your fault. ;o)

karlascottage.typepad.com said...

Third time is the charm. Looks like the 4th is pretty charming too.

Anonymous said...

Your shadow boxes are beautiful..love, love them.

Unknown said...

Lori, I LOVE these!!! I swear, you could make anything look gorgeous! Even an old carboard box from McDonald's, lol!!! You are so inspriring!

Love ya,

Sandy said...

It seems all things are done by trial and error in the world of artful creations. Before you toss the box next time pay me a visit. My husband had a method of polishing plastic and it works! He has done it acrylic or plexiglass also. I don't have the exact formula but if you'd like to know, email me and I'll get the details from him. The results are wonderful.

I love how you persevered and the beauty that came out of your trial. In case you are wondering, the bunny has sufficiently recovered and so have I, most everything is back in place. Have a great day!

Elyse said...

i'm glad you made your peace and pieces! the boxes are really amazing.

robin dudley-howes said...

Again...how pretty!!

Lee Weber said...

I hate those kinds of things- when you have to keep working and chucking!!!

Boxwood Cottage said...

Oh they came out so beautiful Lori! An I can't even see any scratches. The one with the dress is my fave, so enchanting!!!

Candy said...

Glad you persevered for these are wonderful.

Unknown said...

That is absolutely fabulous! I love what you've done with the dress! You are giving me some ideas, Lori! Thank you!!! :)

roseroomnz.com said...

I wouldn't be mad at Martha anymore, that is just beautiful! Rachaelxo

Chelsea Van Tol said...

oh thank you thank you for the inspiration!! i have about 10 of these in my closet, i snatched the up on sale for $1 each and haven't been sure what to do with them yet!

Anonymous said...

OHMIGOSH Lori I LOVE what you did to those boxes - they are divine!
p.s. my word verification for this comment is:
Very close to martha!

Gina M Smith said...

I love the box with the dress. Pleased to be in your company for Lisa's book.

luckygirlgifts said...

They turned out fabulous. I know completely how you feel. When you buy Marthas stuff you expect it to be better than other supplies. Or, at least as good. But, like I said, they look fabulous. So creative.
Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog.
Cari b.

Anonymous said...

Oh Lori, I'm so sorry about that!! Your remaining two turned out brilliantly though!!! They are absolutely gorgeous!!! :)


Sarah said...

i love your boxes so gorgeous. beautiful work

Sarah said...

Very Pretty Lori! I LOVE these boxes. I have about 12 of them and have never done anything with them. I bought them on sale too!!!
Vintage Lily

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welcome to my little world where i am loving my family, cutting up paper, and making whimsies from clay and mache...