"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." --Albert Einstein

Monday, August 25, 2008

you found me

Oh good, you found me here. The other blog was starting to look a little
manic to me and instead of changing it all I am just starting over.

Here is a lovely little parcel that arrived in my mail from my sweet friend
and her darling mom Kitty.Yummy paper and ribbons.


Nancy at ManicForMosaics said...

There you are! I thought your other blog was wonderful! Why the change? Maybe you have the spring cleaning bug!

Connie said...

Hey, Nan, you blogging again, daughter?!?! Why don't you visit your motherrrrRRRrrr?!?!?!

Blogger has been acting up a bit yesterday and today I've noticed. At least we found ya, chickee!

~~**Skye**~~ said...

Congrats on the move to a fresh new home! I was a huge fan of your old blog, so i will have to remember to add this one to my blog list.

Kathy said...

Love you new header...Glad you liked my funny!
Welcome to your new home.
I liked the old place too!

Anonymous said...

Love the new banner! Sometimes a fresh new canvas is just what a girl needs :). Ooh such yummies from Heather and her mum...what a sweet pair they are. I bought some of Heather's silk ribbons and ADORE them, they could make a pile of dirt seem sweet and sentimental lol.

Andrea said...

prettyy stuff lori! I am glad I found you !

Heather Simpson-Bluhm said...

such yummy parcels.. :)
welcome to you new home...

Charmingdesigns said...

welcome to your new home, very stylish!! Laurie

Beth said...

oh soo glad i found you !!! thanks for your sweet comments on my new art !!

Charlotte said...

Sometimes we need a new start. This is beautiful.

Boxwood Cottage said...

Hi Lori,
I'm so sorry for the inconveniences you had while clicking my blog lately. I'll ask my daughter if she can help about this problem tonight.
Lovely presents ou've got from Heather and Kitty!
I wish you lot's of fun and luck with yor new blog!
Hugs Carol xox

Mrs. Cherry Heart said...

Love your new banner...
welcome to your new home!

Hugz, Dolly


I am not following you. I am going to sit over at the other place, and wait for you to come back.**pouting.

Love your new space though.***going now to sit and wait at the old place.


Rika said...

Wonderful stuff!

Anonymous said...

Love the ribbons on your last post on the old site.

Good luck on your location. So will you just close the other one down?

Victoria - Florence and Mary said...

Welcome to your new home!

Victoria xx

Jessi Nagy said...

darling banner, and creations.
im glad i didn't loos you.

Anonymous said...


I love changes, "don't you???" You look great here as you did anyway. But still, like I said; It is nice to have a change every now and then;-))

Big Hugs,

Alisa Noble said...

Glad I found you. Your new banner is beautiful!

Rose Garden Romantic said...

Hi Lori!! Love your new banner! What a wonderful package you received!

Anonymous said...

What a great package! Love those ribbons. Your new banner is beautiful. Good luck with your blog house cleaning!

Jennifer Hayslip said...

YAY! Your STILL blogging. Just a little detour!;)
Your banner is beautiful as well as your gorgeous yummies! XOXO

Julie L. Light said...

What fabulous gifts you received! I was looking at your old blog...so beautiful :-)
Have a fabulous day!

Kim's Treasures said...

Pretty new look!

Anonymous said...

I like your new "place" and will visit often.

Lorri said...

Oh wow, just found you - love your work. So deliciously soft and pretty :)

Stash said...

Wow, when you said you were going to make a new blog, I was thinking along my timeline like a month or two but you are really on the ball!!

Looks great - nice and clean. I do like things nice and clean these days ;-)

Glad you like the header!

Sugar Bear said...

Found you! Welcome to your new spot.

Fete et Fleur said...

The new banner is wonderful. I've been working on some blog designs for a friend of mine and have been having a blast. Love your new look!


Sam I Am said...

awwww..how purdeeee :)
And im LOVIn the new banner..great job cheryl! :)

Christa from Chloe Rose said...


Looking forward to your new blog.....starting from scratch.....you are a brave woman!

Smiles -

Chloe Rose

Alison Gibbs said...

Nothing like moving 'house' Sweet new blog.

Splashes of Pink and Mint said...

Hellóóóó!!!! Yep, and I found you too!!! Strange, such a plain blog! But the first pics are sóó beautiful!!! You've recieved very pretty ribbons! These girls made a lovely package for you!
Oh, almost forgotten: your banner is gorgeous!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Your New Banner is Beautiful!!! I thought your other blog was gorgeous too, but I know just how you feel about needing a change. :0)

I will get your link switched on my blog. Can't wait to hear from you....Genevieve is ready and I want you to peek at her. :0)


karlascottage.typepad.com said...

Well that is easy the way to clean house, just move!

I'll change your blog link now while I am thinking about it.

Lola Enchanted said...

Found ya!!!

Hello, your new blog looks wonderful!

Enjoy your day.

Sarah said...

well hello there. That's just too funny...something I would do. Scratch the old and start over with the new!
Looks great and I love the goodies you got in the mail.
Vintage Lily

Susan McShannon-Monteith said...

You may have moved but everything is as lovely as ever. A little softer, gentle header and less stuff in the columns. I like it!!!
xo Susan

Anonymous said...

Lori, I love the new banner and blog!

Sara's Sweet Surprise said...

I adored your *about me* picture so much I had to take a peek into your blog.I'm happy I did and I'm looking forward to visiting again.
I love packages wrapped with fun embellishments. I'm sure you'll enjoy finding new designs to use them on.
Have a *Sweet* Evening!

Anonymous said...

Wow, love the freshness of your new blog. I have been pondering that myself lately. A fresh start would be great.
Such a pretty gift..love the rolled up paper.

windycorner said...

making a change is kinda like spring cleaning, isn't it. That new banner is gorgeous.
My favorites on Project Runway are Kendall and Jerell and I've disagreed with the judges a couple of times. Before Christmas, Tim came to Tampa to promote Liz Claibourne so of course Emily and I went and met him. He is every bit the gentleman you see on PR and very gracious.

Bristol said...

Lori- Love the new banner. I am with you just start over, good idea~

Twa said...

Good luck with your new blog. It looks very beautifull.

Anonymous said...

Wow!! Look at you all snazzy!! Love the banner....makes me want to clean up my blog!

roseroomnz.com said...

This looks very fresh and uncluttered, kind of how I want my house to be! Lovely goodies from Kitty and Heather:) Rachaelxo

vivian said...

OH there you are!! found ya!

Pieceful Bits said...

I guess you werent too hard to find look at all the friends that came to visit for your housewarming!
Everyone needs a fresh start once in awhile:)

Anonymous said...

Oooooh~ pretty pictures and I LOVE your new banner. Can't wait to see what you dream up next!

Sandy said...

Lovely new place! Your banner is beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Lori, I love the new design!

Heather ~Pretty Petals said...

Hi Lori... I love your new spot here in the blog world!! SO glad you loved your goodies. xoxo heather

lauren bergold said...

i noticed the 2nd link in your profile a while ago...and i thought to myself, "AHA! she is planning ahead for when she reaches the dreaded PHOTO LIMIT!" (verrrrrrrrry smart lady!)

congrats on the lovely new space and that FABBO banner! miss cheryl did you proud!

About Me

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welcome to my little world where i am loving my family, cutting up paper, and making whimsies from clay and mache...